Curse/Radiation should work similarly to how you presented Energy Absorption.
There's a problem there. See, energy absorption works so well because it mirrors real-life behaviour. If somebody attacks you with a torch, the heat has to conduct through your clothes to reach you. Eventually, heating will reach a point where you start receiving minor burns, and if this continues the burns will eventually becomes severe. (Actually doing this with a torch is rather decidedly difficult in an actual fight, but that's besides the point.)
Radiation doesn't work like that. Things it strikes don't become less resistant as it strikes them, they maintain the same level of resistance no matter how much they are struck. Radiation just penetrates materials, and a certain amount of it gets absorbed by the materials it passes through. More penetrative radiation, like x-rays, may only be resisted a very small amount by a thin garment but be almost completely stopped by a sheet of metal, as the defining factors here are thickness and density, and density is the more important of the two. However, whether you are struck with a 0.01Gy, 1Gy or 100Gy, the same material will reduce the same form of radiation the same amount. So my question as to whether I should use a divisive system, percentage system or an alternative still stands.
Diseases, infections, and poisons could be status effect that are inflicted.
Yes, but they are all quantifiable in some degree. Therefore, resistances both can exist and should be provided by anything that provides some degree of protection. I'm not going to make it a random chance, either, as that's just bad game design. Very commonly used bad game design, but bad game design nonetheless.
Take a dagger with poison applied to it. The poison wouldn't affect the wearer of the armour unless the damage from the dagger penetrated through the armour.
A dagger slash against metal armour wouldn't pass the poison on to the wearer, but a pierce between joints would.
That's already part of the rules. That cannot, however, be all of the rules and for two very important reasons. First off, even a weapon delivering poison will fail to deliver all of the poison if it has to penetrate anything on the way in, as the material it has to penetrate will scrape off some (usually most) of the poison. The other problem is that poison is not always delivered by a kinetic attack, and neither is disease. Poison is also often delivered by fire, corrosives and by itself either in an attack or as an environmental hazard. Disease is also often delivered by itself, in fact that's the most common method of its delivery, either in an attack or as a hazard. As a result of this, and the fact that apparel will always provide some protection even when these are delivered by weapons, there needs to be another resistance.
Also you should be a bit less rude to people, especially when your question wasn't thoroughly explained. Curse usually denotes magic, not radiation, and the examples you present wouldn't be considered as amrour by most people.
You know what's rude? When some gobshite comes into a thread where somebody asked a specific question and then tries to push an opinion about the premise without so much common decency as to actually answer the fucking question. THAT'S rude. Telling them they're wrong is not rude, especially considering that I should just be telling the pricks to answer the question or piss off. People like them are the reason it's such a fucking crapshoot trying to get advice on the internet, because it's only a matter of time before an asshole shows up to give their completely unsolicited and irrelevant opinion on the core premise, your wording, your signature or something else that isn't the fucking question asked and then instantly the entirely thread is derailed as more and more people respond to that and the actual question you asked is completely forgotten, and I'm not entirely unconvinced that it's intentional. So, frankly, anybody who doesn't answer the question can go hang.
Tbh, surprised that people still try to help beside saying "If you know so well, figure yourself out"
Moneal is the first and so far only person who has actually tried to help. Everybody else just came in the spew verbal diarrhoea. If I wanted to hear the severely misinformed and blatantly incorrect beliefs of people with D&D-induced brain damage, I would have asked for them. I didn't ask because that's NOT what I wanted. I wanted something very simple, which was if I should use a divisive resistance, percentage resistance or something else. If you don't have anything to say that answers that one, singular question, you should NOT be in a thread that ONLY exists to get answers to that question. I was already being inadvisably civil just engaging them in the first place when they're only here derailing my thread, and the same applies to you right now as you continue to derail my thread and make it even more difficult to get an answer to the question I asked. And if you're going to act like I'm the asshole for not jerking off every braindead little prick who came in here to spew their irrelevant, unsolicited opinion on everything but the question asked, then I'm done being civil. Get on topic or get out. I don't care which.