Hello everybody,
I'm not sure post like this are current here, I don't have really seen some, so by advance, excuse me if presenting ourself is not common here.
So where to begin, my name is David, I am a reader of GD.net since many month now, but I never created an account here until today. In the game making universe I am mainly a programmer with a (very) few skills in graphisms and not really something in the other domains. My main langage is the C that I practice as often as possible since almost 7 years now and the C++ that I have started a few month ago (I can add many more langage probably like most of you, but since I don't plan to work with them for game I just put them aside).
In term of game developpment my history is really poor, I have a lot (and even more) of "Making that feature in a game may be fun and interesting, let's try!" and "Let's try to make a game that have that inside" and other, with the "that" done and operational (as far as I recall, I have an inventory management system, a map/dungeon/world/universe generator in progress, an evolving monster generator that use Genetic algorithm to make them change regarding the player action, an obj loader for an eventual 3D game, etc...), but none of them have ever being used in a complete game, at best I often stopped with a minimal system to allow testing what was done.
But to comfort me with this amount of fail, I still had two little success that I have realized during Ludum Dare, don't expect much of them, but if you want to give a try, they are available here and here (eventuals review of them will be greatly appreciated).
My expectations about joining you are simple, With so few thing done, I consider myself as a beginner and expect to be able to improve my skills in developpment and game developpment, becoming better at reaching simple goal (like just finish making a game sometime!), and why not joining a team one day on a project just to try to make something not alone. I hope this place will help me to get better. :)
Even if I will eventually try most of them, my goal as game type is principally RPG, I planify to build one of them since too-much-year-where-i-was-not-even-knowing-how-to-code and write a lot about it to maybe be able to start it when the story, design, and all it's aspect will be set and me ready to work on a project as big as this one. Until then I have spend most of my time trying to build roguelike because it's another type of game i love.
Thanks in advance for your time!
Also, my message may have said it for me, but english is not my native langage and even if I use it often, I still write it badly, I hope it's not too bad to read!