I like the changes. The big ship (ctrl+3), this might be exacerbated by the sounds, but it felt like I was shooting a machine gun. Might also be mitigated by having a larger array of cannon and bullet sizes displayed. The camera changes are a good, though felt a little high sensitivity for my tastes -- though that's one place where a menu option is inevitable. Though I might experiment with having it lag a bit more behind the player's mouse/aim point, to see if it makes things feel a bit smoother, as it feels a little twitchy. The ranges are still short, but eh, as Norman stated, that's hard to change. Combat seems a bit brutal, crits in particular. I think in the end, you'll want a stylized look for your ships, they still look mostly indistinguishable, I can't tell if I'm getting critical hit by location or by a dice roll. Might also need to do something to make it a bit easier to distinguish between allied ships and enemy ships.
Is there torpedo ammo? Historically they were mostly one shot weapons, but it looks like you can spam them a bit. Not that I think I'd mind that much, since WoW does the same.
Random bug that may not matter: Hitting Ctr + some num, the new ship I controlled would have damage and health carried over from the last battle, even though it wasn't the same ship.