Background: I am an artist, love telling stories, and want to focus on game design over anything else, but I feel like I need some bit of credibility to get to that point--that I need to be a real stand-out with experience in order to net a position, paid or unpaid.
I've decided that I should get my hands dirty and start working.
To learn programming to a degree that I can make games (even 2-d ones like I'm interested in) is a herculean task. I'm overwhelmed, so here I am.
Here's a few of the questions I have...
What is the programming language should I use? Is Gamemaker enough? (I hear that Undertale was created in it)
Is making a visual novel a waste of time? Will it give me programming experience? I'm interested because it seems like something I can finish.
What resources will give the most educational value for the time I put into them? (books, free online courses, youtube tutorials, etc.). This is mainly what I will base/schedule my education around. Of course I want to see eye-opening videos or books about game development, even if they're not all that technical.
I have a ton of ideas in my head for compositions. Should I learn how to make music?
I hope you guys can give me some input on this.
Thank you!