
linking error, can;t do crap. (VC++)

Started by January 21, 2000 06:28 AM
4 comments, last by NiBLiTz 25 years, 1 month ago
When i compile i do fine, i start to link and no matter what it is i ge this error. LIBC.lib(wincrt0.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _WinMain@16 Release/numbergame.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals i know the second error is just because of the first.l BUT i need to compile stuff. and i can''t. I WANT TO LEARN GAMES PROGRAMMING!!!!!!! NiBLiTz - ALL that is needed
NiBLiTz - ALL that is needed
Are you sure you''re trying to compile a win32 application, not a command line app?
It''s main() in dos, but
WinMain() in windows!
Do you create a new win32 project or just open the source file from explorer or by using the open command. VC++ requires you to create a new project you can''t just load a source file and run it. I had this problem when I started out, I think most of us did when we started. Of course if you haven''t got a WinMain in your program then this is the problem.
noooo. i am sure it is a new win32 console app. I assign winmain90 and main() don''t i?? Also yeah i am starting a new project./ i tried replacing the file that is affected, that didn''t help at all. must be something with it. ALSO this happens with most programs i compile.

NiBLiTz - ALL that is needed
NiBLiTz - ALL that is needed
How to make a console app:

1) Go to file/new, goto projects tab, select "Win32 console application"
2) Type in name and directory.
3) When it asks you what kind of project, say "Hello, world!" application.
4) Click finish. It makes the project.
5) Build and run. If it doesn't build here you've got a major problem.
6) Goto test.cpp and replace the contents of its generated main() with your main().
7) Build and run. If it doesn't build here, it's most likely something in your code, and not the compiler.

If it still doesn't work, let us know what you did and we'll help you through it more.

Mason McCuskey
Spin Studios - home of Quaternion, 2000 GDC Indie Games Fest Finalist!

Edited by - mason on 1/21/00 4:03:30 PM
Founder, Cuttlefish Industries
The Cuttlefish Engine lets anyone develop great games for iPad, iPhone, Android, WP7, the web, and more!
Thanks mason, your information seemed very wise. but i igured it out. i was starting win32 app''s instead of console apps OOOPPPSSSS!

NiBLiTz - ALL that is needed
NiBLiTz - ALL that is needed

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