
What kind of game developer are you?

Started by October 28, 2016 03:01 AM
22 comments, last by Unduli 7 years, 11 months ago

For fun! :D

After you vote, please leave a post answering the following question:

What was your favorite video game to play on the first console (Edit: or computer!) you owned?

Paper Mario, Nintendo 64!

(Mods: I accidentally made the poll public. Can you make it private so people can't see individual votes?)

Excitebike, NES
Super Mario bros, NES
That was a long time ago :D

If the first question allowed multiple answers I would've picked 2 :)
I used to be part of a bigger studio, now am indie, but still occasionally contract for bigger studios.

Apparently, a mod cannot make a poll private. And polls are limited to four questions. Thanks, Obama IPBoard. As an alternative, why not move the poll to Google Forms?

Also, I have very fond memories of my brother and me playing on the Sega Genesis and messing around in Sonic 3 & Knuckles’ debug mode.


Apparently, a mod cannot make a poll private. And polls are limited to four questions. Thanks, Obama IPBoard. As an alternative, why not move the poll to Google Forms?

Also, I have very fond memories of my brother and me playing on the Sega Genesis and messing around in Sonic 3 & Knuckles’ debug mode.

Thanks for trying! I'll leave it since there are already some votes.

Nes: super Mario bros

Crealysm game & engine development:

Looking for a passionate, disciplined and structured producer? PM me

As I picked 'other' a few times: I work as graphics/engine developer for a middleware company so I do no active game development ( yet I have worked on AAA in the past for couple of months) ;)

Never owned a console before but I played a whole lot of Anno 1602 on our first family PC :)

What was your favorite video game to play on the first console you owned?

I've never owned a console, just PCs.

My first PC was an 8088 overclocked to 10Khz, 64K ram, a CGA card, twin 360K floppies, no hard drive - as i recall.

I remember Jet by SubLogic was a favorite at the time (mid 80's). It came on its own boot disk. You could put the disk in the A: drive of any PC, turn it on, and boot right into the game, then remove the disk, and the game would run until you turned the PC off. My buddy and I used to go around to all the PCs in the computer labs at George Mason booting them all up with Jet. You'd walk into the room, and there'd be 50 PCs running Jet.

But the game that got me hooked was MS flightsim v1.0 1916 mode. I stayed up from midnight to 6 am playing it on my buddy's dad's PC. That would have been in 1982, when I was a freshman at George Mason.

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"


What was your favorite video game to play on the first console you owned?

Well, if only strictly console stuff counts, then Destiny on the PS4. Being from Eastern Europe, someone owning a console was astonisingly rare in my childhood, because it was harder to pirate stuff for them, and back in the 90's we neither had a grasp on the concept of copyright, nor the money to actually pay for stuff.

If PC counts too, then the original Half-Life wins.

Space Station Silicon Valley on the Nintendo 64!

I played that game to death.

First computer; ZX Spectrum, Fav Game : Manic Miner (still haven't completed it but keep trying 30 years later! :-) )

First console; Sega Master System; Fav Game : R-Type (awesome port from the arcade)

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