
Battlefield One

Started by October 24, 2016 09:35 PM
12 comments, last by yps_sps 7 years, 11 months ago

You're forgetting the battlefield series numbering. It didn't start at "Battlefield 1", it was "Battlefield 1942"





Bad Company

Bad Company 2 (Which also had a Vietnam title, but as an expansion)




Plus a few other sort of minor titles in there for good mix.

Remember kids, counting is apparently hard.

I think it was a great choice. 1 implying that it is a prequel to bf1942 and that it is WW1.

2142 was my favourite since 1942.

2 was jet whoring,

3+4 were good but basically the same and ruined by server mods / OTT unlocking + DLC.

BC2 didn't have prone (or 64 players i think), I liked it a lot but it really felt like a different game.

I want this but I don't want to pay 50 euros.

I haven't played it and I don't think I will. First BF game that I've not been interested in; I even quite liked Hardline. I wish they'd decided to do a 2142 style game rather than what they chose. After seeing the BF4 dlc with all the titans being built etc I was sure we'd have a sequel to 2142.

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Well, the whole WW1 theme got me interested (not to mention that it looks very good graphically)... but after listening to totalBiscuits review, I think I will pass. Seems like the WW1 theme only goes skin deep.

That singleplayer campaign seems to be a mess (yes, I would have bought it primarily for single player, silly me), and I don't mean just the total bullshit unhistorical crap they are pulling off (rockets on WW1 Planes.... Fully armoured "Space Marines" lugging around machine guns.... pffffft. Right). The footage I have seen looked good... but boy, that AI seemed to be more stupid than even the usual mediocre Shooter AI.

Unless friends will BEG me to join them in online matches of BF1 and that game is sold at 50% off, I'll pass. Not big enough into online shooters on my own.

As Angry Joe failed to mention: They f*cked it up.... guess he is more into online shooters and doesn't care much about historical accuray.

Haven't bought it myself even though I've played almost all the BF games since the first Battlefield. BF4 was the last one I played maybe about 600-700 hours but because my friends are not buying BF1 I don't feel like getting it either. Always more fun with friends hehe

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