Maybe instead of 'Favorite Food' you would have a Goal food of the day :
too contrived for a simulation.
in a non-simulator you can do more or less what you want.
in a simulator, if you the designer want the player to do something, you must model and simulate the real incentives and disincentives that would lead to that behavior. and if they are not sufficient, the desired behavior is not realistic, and should therefore not be part of the "game" (the simulation software).
So for example, nuts spoil slower than other foods, which means they are one of the few foods that will keep through the winder snows of colder regions. Which gives players wintering in colder regions strong incentive to stock up on nuts. But to achieve that, i can't arbitrarily make up a rule that you have to gather nuts every so often. I have to simulate everything:
first, you need Nuts in the game. weight, trade value, size, chance to find, time to find, skills required, etc.
then you need harvesting stuff - IE resource gathering
and the nuts should have an effect: food boost by food type - and a variable food stat of course.
and food that never spoils isn't very realistic, so you need to model food spoilage.
and of course, spoiled food should have some effect: Getting sick from eating spoiled food.
and if you can get sick, you need to model Illness and recovery, including medicinal plants.
to make it winter, you need a weather engine including change of seasons
to make nuts scarce in winter you need: temperature effect on presence of nuts (and other resources)
to make them actually have to go around gathering nuts you need: nuts resource levels for every 5x5 mile area on the map.
to make other food scarce in winter you need: weather effects on chance to encounter game
and to make it all unavoidable, you need a world big enough that just migrating to a warmer climate might take all winter!
Only once all those factors come into play will the player do as expected. They won't leave, as it takes too long to get someplace warm. They will have to stock up on nuts because there are none when its cold. They want nuts because they don't spoil quickly, which is important because they can die from food poisoning. And there's not a lot of other food around in winter either. And nuts are not available in unlimited quantities. A 5x5 mile area (a map square) can support one or two cavemen at most long term, and that's only during the warm season. So if they are smart, before the snows come, they will range far and wide from their winter camp, gathering nuts to stockpile for winter.
with 0% arbitrary or contrived rules, and 100% emergent player behavior driven solely by the things modeled in the simulation.
In the end, i added favorite foods. You get an extra mood boost when you eat them, get less of a mood nuke from eating them often, and don't get a "tired of eating" message as quickly. I decided to let the player choose their favorite food. If they choose nuts all the time, they just cheat themselves out of gameplay - and that's their business. The same way the full version will include all testing cheats and tools. if they want to cheat themselves out of gameplay, that's their business. Its a single player game, no harm done.
And with favorite foods done, all gameplay code is done. I decided to hold off on rock toss using the combat engine, and a quest editor. rock toss was a lot of work for a mini-game, and the quest editor would require a full blown scripting language.
So now i'm shopping for a new PC to do final graphics with. and then do the help system, and release! Finally!