
Artworks for the fantasy video game

Started by October 17, 2016 08:00 AM
94 comments, last by Awoken 7 years, 10 months ago

I really like these graphics. Can you please tell us how did you make them? Which tools did you use?

Thank you for your input :)

We actually do have people on the team who are into fencinf/historical reconstruction and they did raise similar questions but the thing is that we need to find a trade of between how artistic and realistic the movements are. We went for the former (so we've recorded an actor for rotoscoping not a fencer) as it allows us to have more artistic somewhat exaggarated moves. We feel like it works better with the fantasy setting and 2D cartoon-like animations.

Do you think this might be a problem for some people?

It will only really be a problem for people who know how dagger fighting should look (either because they practice it themselves or are interested in it), AND are nitpicky enough to care if a game containing daggerfighting animations looks realistic or not ;)

I don't see anything wrong with exagerated moves, as long as the balance between weapon types is still there. By which I mean, if a dagger and a two handed sword is swung at the same speed, its meeeeeh looking for me (which again is a very personal opinion). If a dagger stab is slower ingame than in reality, but the two handed sword swing is also slowed down more or less at the same factor, things look in good again for me.

Personally I really dislike the wind up move with the other arm. It look completly unnecessary given the light weight of the dagger, and the fact that there is little momentum to overcome in a stab. I would leave that away, the movement is big and clear enough without it.

I thing the lunge is a little bit much, but then I doesn't look completly unrealistic, and it does exagerate the movement nicely to make it more showy and clearer. I would leave that in just to make the whole stab look more impactful.

The putting the dagger back in the sheat movement does look... well... a little bit too "characterful". But maybe it fits that specific character.

Other than that, I think the animation looks fine.

I personally would like a multiple stab animation more for a dagger, but then that might align worse with the gameplay (maybe you already can make multiple stabs per single sword slash, and this animation is just for a single stab). So I am actually not sure if that would look good in your games case.


I really like these graphics. Can you please tell us how did you make them? Which tools did you use?

Well, it's created in Photoshop with some Wacom pads.

With that we continue to draw characters for our game and I present to you the next one. This is Ark, a young infantryman.

"He looks more like a student than a warrior. His father wanted him to be a scholar, so he forced his son to read as much as possible. Ark himself wanted to be a warrior, that’s why he escaped from the capital. Now he’s running in full gear across the training ground, highly disillusioned. Due to his relentless wish to showcase his knowledge he’s earned himself the nickname of Smartass among his fellow infantrymen. He thinks the guys are just jealous of him – because his knowledge is the thing which helps him pick up local girls."


Ash of Gods - a turn-based RPG featuring Roguelike storytelling aimed at risks that TRUELY affect the gameplay and an extensive online PvP mode! - forum thread

Animation progress. Ark is coming alive little by little. This archer always hits an aim but seems to be really bored waiting for his turn.


Ash of Gods - a turn-based RPG featuring Roguelike storytelling aimed at risks that TRUELY affect the gameplay and an extensive online PvP mode! - forum thread

That's how marauder looks like on the battlefield. Looking forward his animations. Do you think he's looking good?


Ash of Gods - a turn-based RPG featuring Roguelike storytelling aimed at risks that TRUELY affect the gameplay and an extensive online PvP mode! - forum thread

Another character ready. His name is Lon.


This guy is the always sullen and disgruntled master of Friga's guards. His facial expression changes neither before the eyes of the king, nor in the face of death.

Despite the fact that he has long hated his work Lon is still the best, performing his duties flawlessly. He is prized as a strong, reliable and loyal warrior.

Let us know what do you think?

Ash of Gods - a turn-based RPG featuring Roguelike storytelling aimed at risks that TRUELY affect the gameplay and an extensive online PvP mode! - forum thread

Arbalist waiting for his turn. He's very patient because he lacks animations at the moment.


Do you like him?
Ash of Gods - a turn-based RPG featuring Roguelike storytelling aimed at risks that TRUELY affect the gameplay and an extensive online PvP mode! - forum thread

As you may know we are trying hard to make animations for our characters as real as it possible. That's why we are using rotoscoping technique recording every little move in studio.

This is Atraah the Reaper walking animations. Do you think it looks reliably?


Ash of Gods - a turn-based RPG featuring Roguelike storytelling aimed at risks that TRUELY affect the gameplay and an extensive online PvP mode! - forum thread
Do you think it looks reliably?

Looks drunk more than anything.

Say about three to three and a half sheets to the wind.

Watch out, he's about to knock over the gear! <g>.

But seriously - his eyes aren't tracking on a target - head bob or no. If this is his "stumble before he falls" animation it looks great - but otherwise.... not so sure.

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"


Do you think it looks reliably?

Looks drunk more than anything.

Say about three to three and a half sheets to the wind.

Watch out, he's about to knock over the gear! <g>.

But seriously - his eyes aren't tracking on a target - head bob or no. If this is his "stumble before he falls" animation it looks great - but otherwise.... not so sure.

It's supposed to be a freshly dead body possessed by a supernatural creature. The actor was trying to show how the creature is not accustomed to it and doesn't operate the limbs too well - thus the clumsiness and stiffness.

Do you think it might fit this description?

Ash of Gods - a turn-based RPG featuring Roguelike storytelling aimed at risks that TRUELY affect the gameplay and an extensive online PvP mode! - forum thread

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