Feedback on new Business Card
I'm working on a new business card and could use some feedback!
Thoughts? Note the title changes below my name. Looking for feedback on style and wording.
-- Tom Sloper --
I'm preferring the top left or bottom left. I like the stylised font used for the name on the bottom left but not the mono font.
I'd cut the word "Founder" unless you have developed it to a moderate-sized company.
I would prefer a smooth gradient instead of the sharp background transitions, they are a distraction to me.
I like the "Crafter of Stories and Experiences" as it feels better than "writer".
Of the four styles, I prefer the top left.
@Frob - I initially had it off, but had a conversation with a fellow producer who said it should be on it since it's an important thing to know for producers/press.
@Tom - thanks! Which version are you referring to?
Doh. I didn't notice that they were different, and you were looking to choose one. I guess I looked
at the bottom right one. Which one is better? One of the top two, with the easy-to-read font.
-- Tom Sloper --
Many people use inappropriately large titles like CEO and Founder when it is a single individual or partnership. The titles imply a particular scale. I stand by it needed to be at least a few employees before you use words like that. If you've got an established company with 10+ people then Founder is fine, but if it is just two or three, I would probably leave it off.@Frob - I initially had it off, but had a conversation with a fellow producer who said it should be on it since it's an important thing to know for producers/press.
That is especially true if it is few people and you go with "Crafter of Stories and Experience".
I also prefer the top left, and I also think "Founder" is premature (at least it wasn't CEO or President!).
The graphics in the bottom left are problematic for me: It's hard to visually parse.
Eventually I realized it was a zeppelin coming through clouds with some (very odd) lightning flashing. But it took me quite some time to realize that.
Initially I thought it was an alien head with a weird plant root thing (the lightning) growing out of it, and then I thought it was a cartoony spaceship going into who knows what (the lightning).
Why is founder premature? I published two commercial titles so far and 3 freebies, I don't think it's inappropriate. I am also looking for both producers and artists to hire so it's good to communicate they can contact me directly about this stuff. Or so is my logic.
I like the Crafter line for being more intriguing and closer to what I actually do on my games, but I worry it comes off bit pretentious.
Maybe just creative lead or creative director?
I also think I'll take off the twitter handle. People can find me easily enough and it's already too much text
EDIT: How's these for final look? Top or Bottom?