I'm trying to find an algorithm or library that will perform continuous collision detection between a plane of triangles (see example.png) and an AABB.
I'm defining a plane of triangles as a set of triangles whose vertices all lay on the same plane. The triangles will be connected by edges meaning triangles will never connect by just one vertex and will never appear isolated (unconnected) from the set. The triangles may form a convex or concave shape - the picture shows a concave shape.
I did read up on SAT and GJK algorithms, but they seem to be designed for convex shapes - not a plane of triangles. Even if there is a way to detect collision, I'd still need a way to determine the time t in the range [0, 1) that contact would occur.
This question comes from the notion that a level will be made up of "surfaces" where each surface is a set of triangles on the same plane. See example2.png - the left side is wireframe and the right side shows the surfaces filled with color. So to be clear that picture shows four surfaces were each one is made up of two triangles.