
How much money do you make with your games?

Started by September 15, 2016 06:37 PM
7 comments, last by Navyman 8 years, 4 months ago

How much money do you make with your games? Say me urls of your games and how much money did you make with this game.

Every product is different.

How much a game made is not really enough information. A game that makes $75,000 may sound impressive until you learn it cost $95,000, or it may be amazing if the person invested 400 hours and $50 in the project.

Those that operate professionally and do the important tasks of market research, of marketing to potential customers, and ensuring proper quality of the game tend to make quite a lot of money. The best product series I was on ended with a 62% profit over investment. Other projects of this type tend to range from a moderate loss to a moderate profit, depending on more factors than anyone can account for, including a bit of luck.

Those that are amateur tend to make no revenue. Sadly, most games fit here. These tend to have no market research, simply jumping in because the project looks fun. Marketing tends to be a few posts online about "I made a game!". Quality controls tend to be handing the game to a few people and asking for feedback. These products will sometimes end up with a few sales from friends and family. Considering the hours invested to make the game most of these tend to pay out at a few cents or a fraction of a cent per hour.

Products that work somewhat in-between the two tend to have different results.

Which games are now better to do?

In Russia on mobile phones next mobile game is best thing
[possible spam link deleted by mod] .
In USA and Europe these mobile games is popular?

I can create html5 canvas games for facebook, vk and other social networks which can support app of other developers
and I can create games as like [possible spam link deleted by mod]
Moved to Business. Once one has made a game and made money from it, we're well past Beginner

-- Tom Sloper --

I made this game in high school for the pocket pc about 14 years ago and made about 200 dollars off of it
That is the most success game I have made money wise. All of my games I release these days are free. I would rather try to get as many people to enjoy my game as I can rather than turn a profit.
My current game project Platform RPG

I need money because I living in Russia (poor country).

I can create in 2-6 mounth analog of mobile game (monetization is via sms).

but I want to know whether such games are known in the United States/Canada?

And I want know how much money can I make with this mobile game.


My latest game is making me around -$200, that with out factoring my living expenses and I am a 3D modeler and animator so I only pay for sound. However I am only a hobbyist developer and don't make games for money.

Which games are now better to do? In Russia on mobile phones next mobile game is best thing . In USA and Europe these mobile games is popular?

If you plan on making money mobile is the best platform, because people that work have money and not much time so casual games do very well in the market.

Making games for money is a bad choice unless you love making games and struggling.

Sales show PC games are leading in the market at the moment, it's also the easiest to make.

The problem with games is, the amount of money they make drops exponentially. The top game can be making billions and number two on the list is only making millions, number 10 on the list is only making hundreds of thousands.

The lower you go the less the games earn, with most games make less money than a Fast food cook.

Money? Who cares if you're able to impress your sweetheart, your neighbours... :p I mean, Aleks you deserve best wishes but I think best to have "something to believe in" when dealing with the adventure of making videogames

Gamers are fickle, one day they love one game and the next they are flocking to a completely new type of game. While there are some staple game types like FPS for PC that lead the field for production to sales, often it comes down to having a good idea that you can get in front of a large audience and see some trickle of money come in from it.

Developer with a bit of Kickstarter and business experience.

YouTube Channel: Hostile Viking Studio
Twitter: @Precursors_Dawn

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