should i have both epic AND mundane quests?
the game: Caveman 3.0 - a FPSRPG/person sim hybrid , stone age setting, open world, sandbox, survival, emphasis on realism.
I'm still working my through the list of possible types of quest generators for Caveman.
But i've noticed that some of the types of quest i've gotten down to in the list are not that epic.
Quest fall into two basic types, those with some sort of special quest encounter, along with the usual random encounters, and those with no special quest encounter, just the usual random encounters.
Special quest encounters are specially balanced to party strength to always be epic, but not impossible. quest treasures are also carefully balanced to be quite generous, but not "monty haul".
if the player takes on a quest with no special quest encounter, such as a basic escort NPC quest, they only have to contend with the normal random encounters along the way, and the quest's challenge level is therefore most likely "somewhat less than epic".
should i make all non-epic quests epic (where possible), and cut the rest? IE things like add badguys trying to whack the NPC you're escorting - that kind of stuff.
== OR ==
should i have two types of quests: epic and mundane. mundane would not have the epic encounters, but would also not get the epic treasure. epic quests would be rare encounters. mundane tasks/jobs would be common quest encounters. this would allow the player to both take on mundane jobs for "pay" (fedex, escort, gather, etc), and take on epic quests for great rewards.