
How to send a level in Unity through email or Google Drive

Started by August 31, 2016 02:04 AM
2 comments, last by lougv22 8 years, 1 month ago

Hey guys,

I am an indie developer and I've recently contracted an artist to do a level in Unity for me. I have a simple question, once he is finished what would be the best way for him to send me the level through email or something like Google Drive? Should he send me a Unity scene file or what?


Do you want to preview your artists work then ask him to build a web app from it he could upload to something like dropbox and send you the link for viewing. If you want to use the level then you need the unity project. A scene isnt all you need because its just only a description of what asset is placed where with what scripts on it so you would need the whole project your artist is working on or just a .unitypackage file that he could export his project to including anything used in the scene.


Google drive is a good option as the artist can give you a link to a asset or a folder for the project, it also gives a lot of space and works with your Gmail account. This means the artist will only have to provide you with his email address and you can pay them for their work with paypal.


If you pay the artist per asset instead of the hour, they will not want to upload 3D models if you don't pay for them, this can make it hard on you to review the model as you have to do it by image or video.

I recommend using a imbedded option to view the 3D model, the artist should also be able to provide it as a .exe.

Provide your artist with images of both the type of work you want and quality.

Don't expect top work for low pay, as artist we have a amount we are willing to spend a day working for, lower prices will get you rushed work.

Check the license agreement with the artist.

Confirm what you are paying for, the work or the model. Different laws apply to the different work that is done.

Ask for the master final files, because your artist wont backup the files forever, if you need changes you will have to give them the file to work with.

Remember that you can always scale assets yourself, it's easy, you don't have to pay the artist to resize.

Last: Less than half the projects ever made see a release date; to make some money you can sell all you own, if you and the artist agreed.

Great info. Thank you both. Yes, I definitely want to use the level so sounds like the best thing would be for the artist to send me the whole Unity project. And great tip about the master files, in case I want to make changes later.

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