Hey all,
I am trying to get some debug information using Microsoft inbuilt text display e.g. TextOut(). I am trying to make a very simple base game engine (for learning purposes) and before adding its graphics class I want to test a game state system and some other things.
My game uses this demo to get the win32 window up
and after ShowWindow(hwnd, nCmdShow);, I create my game Game myGame; and then call its init() function myGame.init().
In the message loop I peek messages and if no messages are to be dispatched I run game.run().
This is where I get confused: I want to write out to the things like e.g. the current game state (I am trying for a 1 second splash screen, then main menu). I can see it is working when I debug and look at my m_state variable, but I want to see it change in real time on the window, so I thought i could use TextOut. The problem is I seem to need all of the information from WM_PAINT to use textout (like the PAINTSTRUCT), but my game does not hit WM_PAINT...
Am I going about this the right way?
Thanks for all your help