NPCs escort player is an interesting new type of quest - i should add it to the list. might be hard to come up with a fitting backstory though, as to why the player is being escorted. its not the kind of thing that usually happens in games, unless you're being escorted to jail. <g>.
but right now i'm just trying to idenitfy the no-no's for the basic "player escorts NPC to location" type quest.
stuff like:
NPC only moves at walk speed.
NPC engages in suicidal combat at the drop of a hat.
NPC insists on going through badguys, not around them.
and so on.
are there any others?
giving the player control of the pace and direction of travel, and the ability to give the NPC orders should take care of all that, right? and all you'd really need in the way of orders would be "wait here" and "follow me". "avoid / don't avoid combat" might be nice too. but technically speaking, wait/follow could do it all. the downside of wait/follow is having to go back and get them once you've cleared the danger ahead. then having them wait while you clear the next threat, then having to going back and get them yet again and having them follow you yet again. "follow me" combined with "avoid combat" might prevent having to stop and start them up again all the time.
what would be a good rule or condition check for "player is just using the NPC as a follower, not taking them to the destination - IE not trying to complete the quest in goof faith". a (long) time limit? travelling ridiculously far from the destination? both?