I'm really at loss. I'm a total beginner in this but i'm quite interested in gamedeveloping. What i want to know is the totpic on outputing graphic in codes. What i know as of now is that there are libary out there to use API and such. However I'm not quite confident in knowing all this terms for graphic and such...
What I'm using for programming is codeblock and I have tried SFML for outputing graphics. I'm still learning in this area but I'm currently still confuse.
If possible can anyone explain to me any of the question i provide...
What is an API?
What are GLUT, freeGlut, SDL and SFML used for and how do they relate to OpenGL?
Does CodeBlock already have all this above tools or do we have to download them and implement it?
I'm also confuse on what OpenGL does and do we need to download it or has our laptop already have them?
For creating a simple game what kind of tools would you need and graphical libary would you use? Lets say the game is pong how would you guys prepare to make such a game?
I'm sorry if some of the question is stupid but i'm really ignorant in any of this terms... I have tried reading many things at the web and this website but the more I read the more confused I am...