Hi. I'm trying to understand the logic behind a mesh editing tool in Maya.
While 3D modeling, if you join two parallel edges with a new edge between them, that area stays "flat" since the vertices were created on the parallel edges.
You can move that newly created edge manually to give it some form, but using the "Edit Edge Flow" tool it automatically moves that new edge (or rather, the two vertices that form that edge) to a position that "feels" like it follows what the mesh should be.
With that new edge selected, just clicking that tool does this (these are profile views):
I assure you that the other edges don't move at all, just the selected one.
What should be the algorithm behind this, is this just smart interpolation? I would really like to code a script for something like this for Blender.
The following images were taken from the Maya documentation (it doesn't mention anything about the algorithm used):
(In this last image it shows that by changing the strength setting of that tool, it can be used to 'remove' the curvature of a selection of edges, like the opposite effect.)