
Week of Awesome IV - The after party/judging thread

Started by August 15, 2016 05:00 AM
125 comments, last by rodolfodth 8 years ago

Please also double check your team is on here, i've counted 17 teams that submitted a game, so please make sure I did not miss you!

Looks like I'm need of some corrections there...

* Tech: Java + LibGDX + thin custom framework

* Missing a blog post, here they all are in order:

* Missing comment responses... (not sure what qualifies but here's what I could find...)

@slicer4ever, could give an update on my last journal if I post tonight, please? I would write him yesterday but decided to take a nap by the fatigue of the Jam. I woke up now: S

EDIT: Oh, and in the "Tech" field, i use the Unity Engine.


I'm also certain I've made more than 1 comment, but probably it's not THAT important?

Gamedev journal:


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Sounds bout right. Wouldn't count my one chat post either ;)
I actually forgot about this on Day 2 and sadly glad I did. Could've been a huge time sink and would've probably derailed me from actually working ;)
Was a nice touch to this year's though, no doubt!

I liked the chat very much, it was a great place to show off progress and to get feedback. So I hope to see the chat again next year.


I have an idea.

Why don't you give reputation points for participating in Week of Awesome?

Points could be given for signing up for the competition, submitting a game, and varying points for different roles/placements in the competition. Is that feasible?

I think this idea was touched upon during last years Week of Awesome?

Gamedev journal:


Follow me on Twitter:

Phew! That was a tiring week (Saturday--at the end of which I pulled an all-nighter--especially)! I'm still somewhat recovering. It was also, however, a lot of fun!

Congratulations again to all who entered, and especially to all who managed to produce a final submission! And thank you to the judges: their work has now begun. ^_^

I'm currently downloading the unified archive, in part to check on my entry, but largely because I'm eager to play the other submissions. I hope to play each of them--at the least briefly--and give some feedback in a later post.

(I don't drink coffee. :P)


My Twitter Account: @EbornIan


Congratulations to everyone who got their entries in.

It seems to me that there should be some sense of relief with the submission of an entry but I didn't really get that. More like, just glad that I was able to get something, anything submitted. I'm kinda surprised with the level of project fatigue that I've had near the end.

I think I spent about 39 hours focusing on my submission. I don't think I lost all that much sleep, maybe up 1 hour later each night on the weekdays, which I really started to feel catching up with my by Thursday. Monday, Saturday, and Sunday early mornings were the times that I was able to spend the most time, with Monday & Saturday going for about 7 hours until around 6am. Sunday morning I was able to put in around 9 hours and got some sleep about 8am. These three sessions each began with an energy drink that kept me going fairly well, although I noticed they seemed to each get less effective. The kids weren't so inclined to let me sleep all day, which is to be expected, and the caffeine in the energy drinks makes it tough to fall asleep even several hours later. Looking forward to being back on a regular schedule.

Over all, I like my game. Of the few times I've tried stuff like this, this time I am closest to the idea that I had envisioned at the beginning and I actually feel like I have a game, not just a submission. It is indeed still rather rough in places and if there's one thing particularly I wish I had in there, in some form, it's a way to reset the game upon player death rather than having to run the executable again. There are no doubt other flaws and bugs in there, some of which I know about, but that's the one thing I would add if given more time.

Also, I don't know if I had provided all the license stuff I'm supposed to. Most likely I haven't. I've got that information around but not sure what's the best way to include it. Is it an issue, should I find what I can and update my submission or is it way too late?

Good luck to everyone that entered! I hope to try out everyone's games and provide feedback!

I had nothing under my notes

are the links to my threads... :P

Far too much Dr Pepper was drunk - probably 4 litres of it (I had five 2-litre bottles on hand from a social gathering mid-week, and had drunk two 20-ouncers at the start of the competition).

I also, out of panic when my body started to shut down from sleep deprivation on the morning of day 7, actually drank a cup of coffee (milk, heavy sugar, cold) - more of an iced coffee, really. I don't drink coffee normally, but my caffeine tolerance is too high for Dr Pepper to actually give me a boost. ^_^

Small correction to your list:

On my journal entries, you forgot my Day 3 (which was posted in the appropriate thread), and in it's place, you slipped in your own Day 3. :wink:

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