After my current project is done, I am considering an engine switch. I'm currently using Unity and kinda like it, but I really need something else, that's also easy to use.
I am not good at C++ (more of C#/Lua/Java/other managed or scripting langs guy), so UE4 is most likely off the table (Blueprints looks like my earphones when I decide to take them out of my pocket after whole day, i.e. clumped, unmaintainable mess). How any of the following compares to Unity, mostly in terms of import pipeline and ease of use?
- CryEngine. I'm really not sure here... On the other hand it uses C#, but on the other, I've heard bad things about its import pipeline and also that their C# api is both undocumented for the most part and terrible. Also it seems to be locked to one or two genres (FPS or walking sim, which is actually FPS without guns).
- JMonkeyEngine. It's Java-based and I've actually learned Java long before I've started using Unity. I've used it in the past, but the community was really caustic. It also had no editor last time I've used it.
- UE4 with free version of SkookumScript. Not sure how powerful free tier of it is, but since my main problem with UE4 is that it either you have to use C++ or Blueprints, with no middle ground, it could work.
I don't have time nor will to evaluate all of them (since proper evaluation can take months). Can someone help me there? Should I go into one of these or do you know of any other easy engines that I could use and which are powerful enough?
Also, before you propose, I know of Banshee3D which essentially aims to be open-source Unity, however at this stage it's not good enough (it may be though by the time I finish my game) and I simply don't consider it a viable alternative at this point.