General question: I am half avoiding reading other peoples progress entries due to not wanting to "steal" an idea of something from them. Is this a valid concern Or should I read away?
If anything, I'm inclined to encourage you to read the journals of others. For one thing--and speaking for myself--I enjoy interacting with my fellow participants. For another, you may find some interesting bits of inspiration, or have an answer to a problem that someone's having.
I don't know you well enough to know how likely it is that you'll "steal" someone's idea--surely it's just a matter of deciding to not use something exactly like someone else's entry? Conversely, I see no problem with taking inspiration from a fellow entrant; that, I think, isn't stealing. Finally, I echo what Slicer said above: even if you take the idea, your implementation is likely to differ.
@Thaumaturge: Looks like Java 8 is required
Needs Java 8 I'm afraid... Maybe I should compile the build for Java 6 to be on the safe side... that would require that I reconfigure the build though ...
Ah, fair enough! Thank you for the clarification. ^_^
Hmm... While I'm not sure that compiling for Java 6 is called for, it might be worth at least mentioning this dependency in your readme file, I think.
... can you install Java 8 on your machine?
I might give it a shot later, or tomorrow. (Presuming that I remember. ^^; )