Humanity is mad. It believes in survival at all costs.
Every 'Idealism' attempts to achieve, it seems, the following: "Highest quality of life for the maximum number of people without compromising individual sovereignty." And yet, none are ever quite able to maintain a modicum of success for very long. Why is that?
Personally, I think people have a fetish for breeding humans.
Two compatible life producing members of a species that prides itself on the ability of being conscientious of the past, present and future is responsible for guaranteeing the quality of life, for each life they intend to bring into this world. Instinctually parents know this, but is it evident intellectually?
If on average, couples had;
- 3 children or more, the total population would increase.
- 2 children, the total population would stabilize, while having only
- 1 child would slowly lower the total population (after about the 4th generation, with current life expectances).
It is ridiculous to presume that future generations would all "want" to live in crowded cities or high-rises. The easiest way for would-be parents to determine whether to have 1, 2, 3 or more children is to find out what each child would inherit from the great-grand-parents, as it is seldom that any great-grand-parents haven't "move-on" before the 4th generation has reached adult age. Any person who has ever dreamed of owning a big home with plenty of land and resources shouldn't want anything less for their own children.
Young adults who inherit nothing or next to nothing, will have the delusion of "someday making it" to comfort them, along with a lifetime subscription to placating "motivational/self-help/new-age/religious" material, plus an endless supply of distractions to consume their attention. [OoooooOoooOOh *snap*]
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"The way you solve things is by making it politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right things." -- Milton Friedman
Worried about an increase in unemployment?
How about employing more people by reducing everybody else's hours?
People wouldn't mind working less hours at their job, right?
Oh, but of course, that would mean having less money.
Why should that be a problem?
Because "everything" would still be expensive.
Why should things remain expensive?
Because of the concept of profit.
And why do we "need" profit?"
We don't!
Banks say we do.
The truth is, you live under a bank-controlled-capitalism.
You have a free-market, but nobody said anything about it being a "fair"-market. [Bwahahahahaha!]
It's not that capitalism won't last, it's that people will eventually become disillusioned about debt to (and inflation from) the banks.
Right now, Banks treat us like children, because, at the moment, without them, we would be lost. "We" haven't learned to setup our own fair system of credit, and pass the knowledge onto generation to generation to prevent a relapse of corruption. So the metaphorical bonds of debt keep tightening. When enough of society can no longer bear it, then it will seek to change itself.