Firstly, the newcomer cliché: I don't know if here's the right forum for this subject, which is about an indie team successfully entering the gaming industry with their game, i.e. game development as a business, instead of a hobby. If it's not, please move it to the most proper one.
Except where it's misleadingly said that making games is unrealistically easy, almost everywhere it's discouraged and stated firmly and surely that "your first game project will fail". If such statement is targeted to people thinking that making games is as easy as 123, and that such game would yield rivers of money, I completely agree that it has very high chances of failing. But if such statement is targeted to every single first game project, I completely disagree.
If a team isn't just one more utopia believer that attempts to develop yet another FPS and expects to become rich with it, but instead, a team that researches, studies the market to find which genre is flexible, reachable, a genre that they know, that people likes the most, that isn't saturated (the biggest failure-sure example: an MMORPG), and that people won't reject only because there is a big budget game of the genre made by a big budget large company (for example, making a MOBA is sure failure, because of the LoL vs DotA polarization), having in the team no room for "idea guys" but a group of "one man army" that studies deeply about game design, avoid failing on the same failures other developers did, learning a plethora of things from experienced game designers, and the team tries the most of them to not deliver yet another game of X genre, but instead one of the ones, with all of its innovations or differentials.
But then comes someone and says that "your first game will fail". Seriously? Would really a team, with all of the values listed, be defenseless against failure?