It's for this game (I have also made tons of post about it in the past if you recall :)), anyway it's less important and you could treat is as a generic question.
Note that the game is focusing on grand strategic level (no tactics, no moving ships around, etc) so the combat need be only as complex as to affect the strategic layer (what ships to build, what composition of fleet to send vs a certain alien race, how many to send, which upgrades to install). The combat is presented only in an observer mode (optional), so the player can see and learn how it all works together, not to issue tactical orders.
The combat is fully automated (the player's involvement in on the strategic level (which fleet to send where) and fleet composition. Combat is ressolved in phases (1-9), if both sides survive all phases (rare) the battle in inconclusive and can start again next turn (unless one side retreats).
You have:
- 3 classes of medium ships (escort ships): corvette, frigate, destroyer
- 2 classes of big ships (capital ships): cruiser, battleship
- beam guns (all ships have those)
- fighters that are carried by some ships (usually big ships have those)
- torpedoes (sort of missiles but torpedoes fit the theme better :D) that are carried by various ships
Combat is stacks based (all ships of the same hull type stack together and fire together). At the moment it's simple, each stack chooses a random enemy stack and fires at it with all beam weapons. Then they reduce the stack HP/kill ships (all attacks are simultaneous, so it does not matter in what order they fire). Then casualties are removed and a next phase of firing starts.
There are also tons of global abilities (like each escort ship provide a "Protect capital ship" value and this value is compared to the number of capital ships and then based on it capital ships get some defensive bonus, so it encourages a good ratio of escort to capital ships; some ships have "Tactical Net" installed and it counts how many ships have it installed, if most of them do then all ships get a nice bonus due to better coordination in combat; capital ships have "Command bridge" and the number of command bridges to total number of ships results in an accuracy bonus).
Question: How to make combat calculations? How it all should work together? How to make an interesting decision regarding what kind of ships to include in a fleet?
Especially fighters and torpedoes, these have no effect yet and these should work somehow different than beam weapons.
Feel free to invent arbitrary rules if needed :)