Either make sure your own creation differs enough from your "inspiration" so that there is no IP Infringement, or come up with your own ideas in the first place.
Having Aliens with weird stuff in their faces, colored in a brownish skintone..... no problem.
Calling them Klingons... not cool.
Using general design characteristics from Star Trek ships when coming up with your design... sure, star trek "stole" plenty ideas themselves from other fiction that came before.
Using the exact same design as the Enterprise and even be as bold as call it the "enterprise"... not cool.
Calling your super-lightspeed "Warp speed", or your weapons Phasers most probably is not so much of a problem. Though don't take my word for it, and if you want to be sure, come up with your own names.
Just to make it clear: when I say "not cool" I mean "Sure, you can do this. But you are potentially infringing on someone elses IP and if that someone is finding out about it and sueing you, he has a case. And it can cost you a lot!"...
Best case you can hope for if somebody is finding out about you infringing and goes after you (and they will, if they can afford it (defending an IP costs money in all cases)... an undefended IP soon becomes void) is that you get a "cease and desist" letter telling you to take down all links to your movie and take it offline.
Worst case is this goes before court. Given this is the US we are talking about, you have already lost in this case... as you most probably cannot defend yourself (you DID break the law), and this case might get extremly expensive even if you had a slim chance of winning. If you loose, charges can be quite high.
What movie are we talking about? I guess there is a Publisher for the Game (Ubisoft, EA, Epic or so)... best would be to talk to them, as these are usually the guys that own the IP, not the producer, designer or any other guy otherwise involved.
Your chances to get a license for using the IP depends both on your name (you still will need to pitch your idea), and the amount of money you can pay for the license.
TL;DR: If you want to save a lot of time and money, with a high chance of getting nothing out of it: don't bother. Come up with your own ideas, and make an awesome movie with that.