
Has anyone read this book?

Started by November 21, 2001 03:02 AM
3 comments, last by SDB 22 years, 10 months ago
Programming Linux Games I was thinking about getting it but it didnt have any reviews. Thanks for any help. SDB - If you are the only one that can fix it, why are you complaining to me? Edited by - sdb on November 21, 2001 4:03:34 AM
I was thinking bout buying the same book...I would like to know what people think as well. Its not that expensive so I might pick up a copy anyways.

I bought the book a few weeks ago, and in my opinion it''s pretty good. It primarily covers SDL, but also covers (a little) on Makefiles, compiling libraries, debugging etc.
Actually, surprisingly really, most of the book which doesn''t cover SDL covers audio-programming under Linux, which is a really hairy issue unless you use libraries like SDL to help.
Also covered is some material on scripting using Tcl, which was pretty good, but I wished he''d chosen another language than Tcl, such as a Lisp-dialect (Guile springs to mind).

It has a very hands-on approach, with code-examples (standalone-applications) for most of the techniques covered, and most of the more advanced issues are aimed at creating a very simple parallax space-shooter with scripted AI.

This book is not about designing or programming games, but giving a an introduction to some of the central issues when programming with SDL, and to do any serious programming with SDL you *will* need some other source as well.

In closing, it''s a good book for the money, if a little short on detail.


- Death awaits you all with nasty, big, pointy teeth. -
I agree 100% with Neophyte, he gives an excellent overview about that book.
The book will allow you to program a complete 2D tiles based spaceshooting game, including sound.
After reading that book, I was able to port from Win98 Direct X to Linux the "Freakout" exemple game from Andre Lamothe''s "Tricks of the windows game programming gurus"
I was expecting more OpenGl coverage, but it looks like I''ll have to get another book entitled " Linux Game Programming" or maybe " OpenGl game programming" both from SAM"S editor
I don''t regret having purchased that book.
Thanks guys, if it will get me started that is all I need. I just ordered it on Amazon(was a little cheaper) so I should get it next week.

SDB - If you are the only one that can fix it, why are you complaining to me?

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