
Nintendo DSi game for 1200 points - please recommend :-)

Started by June 25, 2016 03:57 PM
0 comments, last by UnshavenBastard 8 years, 7 months ago

Some years ago I was involved in the development of two nintendo DS(i) games, but never owned a DS(i). Well, as it often happens, that company went bankrupt.

As I recently heard that Nintendo DSiWare will cease to exist by the end of this year, I got myself a used DSi XL and bought the one DSi game we made back then, for nostalgia I guess ^^

Now the nintendo points card I bought still has 1200 points left. So I better buy a game or two before it doesn't work anymore.

I already have, as modules (*if* there are DSi versions, I won't need them them):

- Orcs & Elves

- Metroid Prime Hunters

(and with that I got thrown in

- King King and some

- Star Wars game, not looked at them yet)

So, now, please do recommend some nice games, preferably those that really squeeze out everything of that weak "GPU" of the DS (while not sucking gameplay wise), unless there's a 2D game in that price range that's so incredibly awesome that I must buy it ;-)

To roughly outline my tastes, here some games I used to like when playing more regularly:

(not quite console-y, that's b/c I never owned one, but your fun-taste-ical intuition will deal with that I'm sure)

- kyrandia

- shannara

- tex murphy

- ultima underworld

- realms of the haunting

- sanitarium

- lands of lore 1,2,3

- Warcraft 1, 2 (, 3)

- C & C - Red Alert

- UFO: terror from the deep

- Diablo

- Outcast

- Undying

- severance

- vampires (the masquerade, bloodlines)

- max payne 1, 2

- deus ex

- delta force

- project IGI

- SWAT 3

- rainbow six 1, 2, 3
- Stalker 1, 3
- Alan Wake
- Fear (the spooky mumbo jumbo aspect was rather annoying in the way it affected gameplay)

- Risen
- The Witcher 1

Thanks in advance!

Okay, so I realized when starting the dsiware shop on my DSi, in the premium list, there isn that much. About 80 games.

I ended up downloading "Elite Forces: Unit 77", looks the most like a "real game" coming from a pc gamer ;)
Now I have 400 points left for really small stuff ^^

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