Hi all, I am developing a small puzzle game, which I have planned to release on the google play store in the next couple of months.
I have been developing on windows using an SDL2 platform layer, and the game runs pretty well: 50 FPS more or less.
It is my really first "commercial" game, so my hope is to don't have to deal with complicated things linke multithreading and hardware rendering with openGL... for now the game does not make any use of multicore processors, and is software rendered.
Now the problem is that when I ported the app with the NDK, (the code is EXACTLY the same, line by line) and run it on my galaxy S4, I get more or less 18FPS, which of course is not accepltable.
Reading the specific of the S4, I have undestood that it has a quad core processor at 1.9GHZ, while my desktop processor is an AMD Phenom quad-core running at 3ghz.. Could be the difference of frequency the only reason for the FPS drop?
ps: the rendering is done creating a texture with TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, then I pass it to the game that fills it pixel by pixel.
buffer->texture = SDL_CreateTexture( renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, width, height );
then the windows update is done with this 4 lines: