
Computers will grow food in the future

Started by April 23, 2016 04:43 PM
18 comments, last by Unduli 8 years, 5 months ago

What does 'can encourage the plant to grow to your preferred tastes by changing settings through software' actually mean?

Caleb Harper tells that story better than me.

...are already...and really...And it is all...

So you didn't watch the video, either?

What does 'can encourage the plant to grow to your preferred tastes by changing settings through software' actually mean?

Caleb Harper tells that story better than me.

...are already...and really...And it is all...

So you didn't watch the video, either?

You mean the video you never bothered to link to? No, I didn't bother to track down a video vaguely described which appeared to be talking about fairly well known tech that I work with on a regular basis.

Old Username: Talroth
If your signature on a web forum takes up more space than your average post, then you are doing things wrong.

So you didn't watch the video, either?

Is there a link to that TED talk?

You mean the video you never bothered to link to?

Beginner in Game Development?  Read here. And read here.


C'mon people, don't tell me you have been corrupted by the modern culture of convenience, that much. I was hoping people would show some interest through initiative.

Don't be lazy. What's so vague about the details I provided?

Sound like my beer buddies when I tell them something that they didn't know about first. "Pfft, that's old news. Didn't you already know about that?"


Link for those apparently corrupted by modern culture of convenience.

You’re welcome.

C'mon people, don't tell me you have been corrupted by the modern culture of convenience, that much. I was hoping people would show some interest through initiative.

Don't be lazy. What's so vague about the details I provided?

Sound like my beer buddies when I tell them something that they didn't know about first. "Pfft, that's old news. Didn't you already know about that?"


Well, all you really did was start a vague thread, "some guy said this somewhere on the internet." Didn't even bother to spend so much as a word on your own thoughts, criticisms, etc... Just, "hey guys, this one guy said this one thing." And you call everyone else lazy? Damn, son.

If I said "one guy", that would be vague. But I gave a name.
If I said "somewhere", that would be vague. But I gave a place.

Didn't even bother to spend so much as a word on your own thoughts

I wrote what most impressed me.


Because I don't have any. I think the technology is awesome and highly necessary.


It's not like anyone had to leave their computer to find one of the videos. When did Google/YouTube become too much effort?

A quick YouTube search for that generates more than an hour's worth of video content, with only one of them quickly excluded... And given the number of people who have come to view TED talks as "A circle jerk for people who love the sound of their own voices", well, I'm sure we're all going to get right on watching all of those videos you're possibly talking about so that we can better engage with your topic...

Or we could pretend we watched it, say "Well that's Neat..." and move on, because that appears to be about the extent of the value of conversation at the moment.

Old Username: Talroth
If your signature on a web forum takes up more space than your average post, then you are doing things wrong.

Wait, wait, I played this game a long time ago on Facebook. But when I came back to it later, all my crops were dead and overrun with weeds. Stupid computer didn't even do ANYTHING.

Didn't it send all your FB Friends spam? Wasn't that your preferred taste? Must have misconfigured the software then.

Although it doesn't answer about how to compete with mass production by virtually free climate , at least inspiring initiative.

I learnt aerophonics (far later than hydrophonics) at least :)

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