
Looking for an old article of "Newsweek" magazine - Is there a way to read it online?

Started by April 17, 2016 11:48 PM
1 comment, last by Servant of the Lord 8 years, 5 months ago

I heard a historical claim get made, and was trying to track the source, and after following it back several jumps, it seems to originate in an article of a magazine called "Newsweek".

Specifically, Newsweek volume 111, Issue 26 (June 27th, 1988)

I was trying to find a website that'd let me digitally read the article without cost, but all I can digitally find available is the magazine cover of that issue (apparently, Who Framed Roger Rabbit is on the cover). Does you know where I can find a copy of this for free online?

Also, I'm unfamiliar with the magazine, but some sites (like Wikipedia) claim it's more liberal leaning. Is that perception accurate? If anyone happens to be old enough to know, was that true back in 1988?

It doesn't particularly matter, I was just curious because the historical claim I'm trying to track, is occasionally repeated by conservatives (because it was quoted in an apologetics book).

I really wish all this stuff was digitized! It seems parts of it is - but the older magazines aren't - and they are the most at-risk for decay.

If all else fails, I'll see if my local library can borrow a copy for me. I already know they don't have a copy on-hand, and their immedient network doesn't seem to either (so sayeth their online catalogs, anyway).

You can contact their archives department. It will probably only cost a few dollars and you can request a copy of whatever article you are looking for.


Thank you, that's a good idea; I sent them an email. I don't mind spending a few bucks (~$5) to satisfy my curiosity, I just didn't want to jump through the hoops of creating an account and subscribing to some year-long subscription - it's not that important to me.

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