Forgive me, my Browser/ this Forum is acting up again and I cannot edit Quotes.... I just have to multipost, or my posts become an unreadable mess of wromg quotes.
What is the Lender exactly in your scenario? Is he able to "print money" (or in more general terms, create value from thin air)? Because your calculations make me think he is.
Technically, in today's world, there exists a privilege/license to essentially create money-from-nothing. It has its origins, long ago, in the form of 'receipts' which could redeem gold at goldsmiths. The method has evolved into the form that it is today, however, money can no longer redeem gold.
Did you adjust for the inflation caused by injecting additional money into the system?...
"Inflation" and "Price-Inflation" must be treated/thought of separately.
Currently, DEflation is the primary driving force behind Price-Inflation. As debt (including interest) is paid off, more money needs to be 'injected' into the economy to replace the money, returning to the original Lender, which is used to repay debt.
This 'new' money, being injected, via loans, into the economy is known as 'inflation', however, it artificially creates 'de'flation simultaneously because of the >100% debt that is immediately attached to it.
There is a time delay. Without that delay, every market dependent on money would crash instantly. It would fail before it could start. But because of the delay, the name for these inevitable failures are referred to as a 'recession'/'depression'/'crisis'. In actuality, these are "delays" of deflation that are beginning to shorten too quickly. This is a problem rarely talked about openly (the reasons for which are controversial).
...Or do you have a theory on how to prevent that effect
"Supply and Demand" naturally determines the price of resources, goods and services. 'Money' is an excellent means of making trade as efficient as possible. Money (currently) is continuously 'devalued' over time because of deflation. Deflation can be just as disruptive as hyper-inflation.
When deflation is greater than inflation, it affects everything from its point of origin outwards in a negative way.
the rich becoming richer and the poor becoming poorer...
There will always be some who are richer and some who are poorer. I attribute that to multi-generational planning.
My interest 'here' is only to achieve economic stability. To ease economic woes. To promote automation without displacing people financially.
we're a debt-based economy.
our current financial system needs to go.
A "debt-based economy" would seem like a very tough sell (from my POV), but the majority of the public have been sold on this very bad idea. We are far beyond the opportunity for a fresh start since the system is now so entrenched. It's a difficult 'spell' to break. The only solution is renegotiation.
1. Deflation / Inflation: Interesting theory... never seen somebody lay it out like that. I am trying to make sense of it now, please bear with me.
So you are saying "debt leads to deflation". Why is that? How could the fact that a lot of players in the market owe each other money devalue same money?
2. There are always people that are richer: And nobody (besides the far left lunatics) says anything against that. They should rightfully enjoy their wealth (which they hopefully gained via legal and morally unambigious means).
Nobody can be interested though in a world where money flows upwards -> richer becoming richer. Because that means in our economy that the poorer have to become poorer (or, if we would create much more additional value per year, the poor staying poor). Because that is money that is no longer as active in the market as it would be if it was distributed among more people. Because that defies our democratic values (given your country actually has a democracy, and you really believe that the current democrazies worldwide are anything other than the feudal system of the rich).
The rich should STAY rich. Not become richer. And the poor should slowly become LESS poor. From the perspective of the economy, that would do a lot of good (more people that can actually afford to spend money without provoking the next credit crash). From the perspective of democracy, that would do just as much good (less social turmoils, more people that can afford to be invested in political affairs (thus less "feudal system of the rich"), more stability due to less credits being awarded to people that cannot afford it).
3. "renegotiation": While I would really love the concept to, for once, solve an economical dead-end without violence, I am not sure this is a realistic option.
Lets look at who has power and money currently. You usually don't rice to riches and power by being nice and social with people. Its a fact that the amount of psychopaths, in leaderships positions of SOME industries is as high as 51%, while actually in total psychopaths only make up 1% of the population. It is also speaking how many politicians, if not being outright dictators already, show signs of a dictatorial leadership style.
Of course not anyone with power or money is a dictator or psychopath. But the amount amongst them is way higher than normal. Its just natural that you need to be very egoistical and ready to use and abuse power to get into that lofty position in society. At least in human society.
Then lets look at historical facts. How was the feudal system of the middle ages and renaissance overthrown? Violence... the only other way was the emergence of the military, wealthy and politicians as the new feudal leaders, and the nobility becoming poorer because of economical shifts.
How was communism instantiated as a new alternative to capitalism in some countries? Violence...
How were the rights of workers improved in almost all countries? Protests, general strikes, social turmoil... which, in older days, was just Violence with a better ending than war.
There are cases (as with feudalism) were change was ushered in by the old elite becoming poor, or the economy turning to shit... but that usually means that the facade will get replaced, while leaving the same corrupted old system running underneath (see soviet union -> russia... it was kinda-capitalistic before, and people who where powerful and rich under the old system are still powerful and rich now).
Are there other ways to change the economy for the better? I would hope so. Will we be able to negotiate with the currently powerful in a sane way when they have all the leverage? Sadly, most probably not.
See, we had a very interesting talk about psychopaths at work lately. A famous profiler was talking about how they work and how to spot (and avoid) them. You cannot negotiate with a psychopath. They do not think about anyone other than themselves. They do not care about other peoples feelings because they have none (to speak of). Without you having leverage over them, or you giving them a big incentive for maximizing their own personal gain, they will never move.
Now, again, I know the "rich and powerful" are not a uniform mass. Calling them all psychopaths is just as unfair as doing so for the rest of the population.
But we have to face the fact that there are certain traits that let you advance beyond the average in life. These traits are dangerously close to the traits defining psychopathy.
Its a question of scale. If 50% of the "rich and powerful" are ready to negotiate while the others see no need to do so, its still not enough. Without the positive 50% spending some of their influence and wealth on creating leverage over the other 50%, nothing will happen. And leverage in human society often means "violence" sadly.
We can assume the amount of people in the "rich and powerful" layer of society that actually do want a change even if its not DIRECTLY benefical to them is way smaller than 50%. And I am not blaming the others really... how many of you would risk your economical future just so that some kids in africa have something to eat (yes, in case of a billionaire that might not mean the guy himself has nothing to eat in 5 years, still)?
The ONLY kind of leverage I see is violence... the THREAT of violence might be enough, but only if its IMMINENT and BELIEVABLE... so best case people already died because of this new threat.
Then, and only then, there is a strong enough PERSONAL incentive for the "rich and powerful" to give up some of their power and some of their potential future gain in wealth for social stability. At least for the ~25% of them that are truly psychopaths, and the other 50% that is just plain too ego-centric to care unless their own life or wealth is in danger.
And if they don't, come to their senses and cling to their power, well... the escalation of that threat will certainly remove them from their position of power, usually with a very letal outcome for themselves. Or the process will consume all their power or wealth... if the population is dying because of civil war, and their money is no longer worth anything because of the inflation caused by war, they will at some point fall over anyway (or fall prey to their rivals).
IF this leads to the desired outcome is anyones guess though. Usually social turmoil leads to war, then to another corrupt regime that will end in social turmoil and war.
Is that better than a system spiralling towards more social injustice? Is violence inevitable at some point? How close are we already to that point in the western world (in some parts of the world, we see it happening right now)? IDK....
I just feel like negotiation without preceeding violence might not be in the cards, at all....