
What makes a game fun???

Started by January 20, 2000 04:45 AM
12 comments, last by Macke 24 years, 8 months ago
Hello! I''m doing a project in school where I investigate what makes a game fun. I was wondering if you could help me. This is a rather big project and I not looking for answers like "great graphics and such". I if you know where to ask this question please tell me. And if you are a "professional" programmer please state that in your reply. This would help alot. Thanks Marcus Andersson
Well, here''s one man''s opinion on addictive games:

For the first time through, a good solid plot makes a game for me. See Final Fantasy''s IV-VIII.
do you mean just video games, or all games? (i''m assuming all games)

once, when i was in junior high school, i was in orchestra, and during study halls, i would get a pass to go to the orchestra room and practice (i played the double bass, if anyone is curious).

any of you who are or were in orchestra or band know that i wasnt really there to practice, but instead to goof off, because its better than study hall.

ANYWAY. my friend tony and i one day, bored out of our minds, made up a little game called "fuck-up". this game consisted of the two of us sitting on opposite sides of a practice room (about the size of a walk-in closet), and we would toss a set of keys into the air, and the other person had to catch them, or they were awarded a "fuck-up" (hence, the name of the game)

well, the rules quickly added.. you had to throw the keys above a certain height, and it couldnt hit the ceiling, and had to be "catchable"... i.e. within arms reach. failure to comply with these rules would earn you a "warning". three warnings would earn you a "fuck-up". 5 "fuck-ups" and you would lose the game. also, you have to toss one handed, and catch one handed, or get a warning.

well, believe it or not, this game is actually FUN. we played it many, many times.

now, as to what made this game fun, i''m not entirely sure. there is an element of skill involved--proper throwing and proper catching. it is also a competition against the other tosser.

Get off my lawn!

If you can become self-immersed in a game it is usually pretty fun. You want ot be able to feel like you are a part of it.

Still Learning...
Still Learning...
Hi there

One word


I think ANY game that can hold your attention and make you forget about the real-life crap we all go through for a little while is a good game. People just want to escape for a while. Just my opinion.

Depends on the type of game. People like strategy games like Starcraft because they''re competing against someone, but TBS games are liked because you''re in control of everything. Death Rally was fun because everyone hates Sunday drivers.

Christianity, Creation, metric, Dvorak, and BeOS for all!
I think one of the better descriptions I have heard was one given to me during an interview I was at once. The guy was talking about what makes Tetris fun even though it is so simple. Here''s his quote.

"A game that is easy to play but is hard to master."

After thinking about it, this applies to many games. For more complex games, the funnest games are the ones that draw you into the gaming world. Any game the can cause suspension of disbelief is ussually a fun game.
For me, and the people I know.....unexpected matters make a game. Just the unexpected things you find in a game as simple as first nothing is unexpected, will always get SOME kind of piece which you don''t want, and put it on a place which you could''ve reserved for another piece.

Same for my programming stuff, ......

Maybe that''s what makes games made of movies are know what the movie is like, and the movie will reveal the secret stuffd, and you will ''know'' what you hafta do....

stated: I''m a programmer.

Views here expressed are mine and not of my company.....keep that in mind.

Dance with me......

I think asking what makes a game fun is like asking what makes music enjoyable. Some people like classical, some like rock.

I love to play TomeRaider because I can explore and solve puzzles. A guy here at work hates that game and likes first person action games because you always have to be on your toes and kill everything that moves.

I think a game is considered fun if it challanges the person using it, and it must do so without being to difficult to use. People want to get to the next level but don''t want to spend the whole time trying to get the correct keysequence entered. (Who REALLY likes games where you have to get the switches flipped in the right order to open the door anyways?)

BTW: as per request, I am a "professional" programmer.

E:cb woof!
E:cb woof!

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