
And the Best President for America is…

Started by April 09, 2016 02:42 PM
73 comments, last by 3Ddreamer 8 years, 4 months ago

I remember reading here that the only reason you think Bernie Sanders is not the best person economically (considering he is the only candidate who has laid out an economic plan he gets attacked this way often) is because you can’t understand how raising the minimum wage to $15 hurts America.
I don’t remember all the contrived ideas presented in the post, as I only deal with facts and logic.

MSNBC accidentally brought on a Wall Street’s real-life Gordon Gekko who promptly and clearly explained who is best for America’s economy, in his last-ever appearance on the show:

Isn’t it so simple? Trickle-down economics introduced by Reagan are exactly what threw the country into the repeated turmoil in which it finds itself today.
The velocity of money. Such a simple concept.

I’ve said time and time again that very few people are keeping up with the actual facts surrounding each candidate, the details on their policies, their histories, etc.
As a result, some people believe that Sanders is a fan of Castro, and Obama is a Muslim.

If you believe that Trump is a fascist, no that’s actually true. It’s not a hit-job, it’s just Trump being an idiot. You arrive at that conclusion by doing basic research and reading his quotes.

You arrive at the conclusion that Obama is a Muslim by mindlessly absorbing the republican message on daily TV.

You arrive at the conclusion that Sanders loves the killer at Sandy Hook by mindlessly adsorbing the Hillary message in newspapers and other media.

You arrive at the idea that Hillary is a flip-flop who will shit 7 mothers of black teens out her ass when necessary simply by following her actions and messages.

You arrive at the idea that Cruz will turn the country into a Christian ISIS just by listening to his speeches.

Won’t America wake up?

Why do Americans hate a good economy? Why don’t Americans know what is best for them? And why do they have to take the rest of the world down with them?

L. Spiro

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What are his foreign policy qualifications and plans? This is important. Running a country is more than running an economy. Last time I looked, he had said almost nothing on foreign policy.

Has he presented a plan for accomplishing his economic objectives? And most importantly, has he presented one that involves working with a currently very Republican Congress? Last time I looked, he hadn't. He could be the one candidate that's right about everything, but if Congress won't work with him, he will get nothing done, and therefore voting him in is pointless. The President of the United States is not a dictator.

He says a lot of things, and many of them are true... but what is he going to do about these things that is actually achievable with the way US politics works?

And the Best President for America is....none that are running. They all have short comings or delusions that make them a liability. The lesser of two evils is still evil.

preface: I'm an Undecided Voter, but the kind who likes to actually read about candidates rather than the kind who just doesn't care.

This is important. Running a country is more than running an economy. Last time I looked, he had said almost nothing on foreign policy.

He's talked about those extensively. A quick google search would illustrate that. Here's his foreign policy platform. Plenty of articles and interviews have gone into meatier details.

Has he presented a plan for accomplishing his economic objectives?

Yes. His plan's details have literally been the meat of many of his interviews and whatnot. :)

And most importantly, has he presented one that involves working with a currently very Republican Congress? Last time I looked, he hadn't. He could be the one candidate that's right about everything, but if Congress won't work with him, he will get nothing done, and therefore voting him in is pointless. The President of the United States is not a dictator.

Yes. Take a look at his congressional record. He's done exceedingly well at bipartisan politics.

Remember that literally the entire House (all 435 seats) and a third of the Senate (34 of 100 seats) are up for election this year along with the executive seat. The country is certainly capable of voting out the Tea Party obstructionists and returning control to moderates or even to left-wing nutjobs. :)

That all said, I'm not overly confident anything will really change for better or worse, whether or not Sanders or Trump or whoever wins. Still, personally if I'm going to vote in this election then I'd rather vote for someone who will at least try to make positive change, rather than being a significant contributor to the broken status quo (Clinton) or a Tea Party extremist (Cruz) or a goofus extraordinaire (Trump). If it somehow comes down to Sanders vs Kasich then that'll be a little bit tougher of a decision.

The key point is all those congressional seats. The president is just the executive branch. Any real change is going to have to come from the legislative branch, which means voting for congresspeople is like 10000x (give or take a few orders of magnitude) more important than voting for the president.

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Any real change is going to have to come from the legislative branch, which means voting for congresspeople is like 10000x (give or take a few orders of magnitude) more important than voting for the president.

Stop being reasonable, Trump's going to make us Fascist, Bernie will make us Socialist, and HIllary will install Goldman Sachs as a fourth governmental branch.


Any real change is going to have to come from the legislative branch, which means voting for congresspeople is like 10000x (give or take a few orders of magnitude) more important than voting for the president.

Stop being reasonable, Trump's going to make us Fascist, Bernie will make us Socialist, and HIllary will install Goldman Sachs as a fourth governmental branch.


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As an impartial Canadian by-stander... Trump is hilarious. Really though, he's not racist or prejudice (not trying to defend him). The reality is he's nothing but a salesman. He'll say ANYTHING he thinks will 'sell' his message, irregardless of pretty much any other factor. He's a liar through and through, and nothing more. And its so funny watching people both praise and get angry at what he says. Its like watching a 2-year old play hind-and-go-seek, they think they're so clever hiding behind a curtain where you can clearly see them. That's Trump. Granted, I might not have such a whimsical viewpoint if he could potentially be my Prime Minister, but as an outsider, its comedy gold.

Not that it really matters who gets elected over there (nothing ever really changes), but I'd go with Sanders myself. At least he's got good intentions and ideas. Even if none of his ideas make it through, the US will still be in a far better place than if anyone else gets in. 'Nothing will happen' is often much better than the alternative, sadly.

Two things to point out about Bernie Sanders. This is not even about his policies. In fact in normal life at least the first would be a positive, but in politics involving Donald Trump they are negatives
1. Bernie is too much of a nice, cool, honest and gentle personalty who plays by the rules, to face Donald Trump.
Can he withstand the nastiness of Donald Trump? I bet Ted Cruz, who for long regarded DT as a friend, hasn't recovered from the "trumping" DT hurled on him when DT decided it was time to turn nasty on him. Every time Cruz tried to cool the tempo by referring to DT as a friend DT up-ed it up a notch the by getting even nastier, until he broke Cruz (remember the DT Cruz wife twitter attack)
DT has never been a friend of Bernie Sanders, so the attack would come from a different angle, but you can bet its going to be ferocious, unrelenting and the nasty-est it could ever get.
Nice people (and Sanders is one) play by the rules and often get shocked at extremely rude and nasty people. They are often dump-funded, stunned and lost for words, mouth gaping - because nasty, rude, raw stupid attacks is never their style. Bernie's, i guess, is so used to intellectually oriented policies attack. Trump is too dump for him but that doesn't matter in the America of today
Unfortunately in the US of today, the politician who gets the loudest applaud and network attention wins the day. And I can easily envisage that while Sanders is left gaping and stunned by DT, DT gets all the applauds and all the network coverage and he wins the day
2. Is he physically strong enough for this job?
I'm not one who discriminates based on age, except to me Bernie Sanders seems a bit too frail for this job. For the records it not about his age but how fit he looks. Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe is 92 but he looks so fit i think he go on for another 10 years. But Bernie Sanders would be 75 when/if he becomes president, can he last 4 years, not to talk of running for a second term??

can't help being grumpy...

Just need to let some steam out, so my head doesn't explode...

Its been clear to me since Hillary's first post after being first lady that she would run for President one day, and since that time I've said I'll never vote for her.

I have some real problems with her policy-wise, but The reasons behind my decision never gets that far. I simply refuse to vote for any political dynasty because I believe its at least as big a problem as corporate money / Citizens United, and possibly even bigger.

The first president I remember at a young age was H.W. Bush. If Hilary is elected and serves two terms I'll be 40 years old and have been presided over for 28 of those years by a father and son, and a husband and wife. This country fought a revolution to be free of monarchies and here we are voting ourselves back into it. I can't think of anything more stupid.

Whether or not Sanders can be effective or not (and I do think he can, especially if the obstructionists get the routing they deserve) he's talking about the right things by and large, and his record is very much on the side of history. I don't like everything he's said, and he'd lost my support for awhile until it was clear a position had been mischaracterized, but I'm onboard at the current time. I'd much rather be able to cast a vote for Sanders than to abstain from voting because Hilary gets the nomination. I won't vote Hillary even to deny any of the current Republican field -- I might be persuaded to vote again her though if the GOP got their heads out of their asses and put forward a moderate nominee with agreeable policies. Of course, that will never happen.

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