
Looking for help with idea's

Started by March 30, 2016 09:19 PM
1 comment, last by Tom Sloper 8 years, 6 months ago

I am a newcomer looking for tips on getting started in the designing process, The basic foundation of game designing and where to begin. I plan on making this a business or working for a major company in the future.

Hi, Faison.

The basic foundation of game design, you say? First would be to understand that game design does not encompass all game development, but is rather a narrow focus of game development.

Then you say you want to know where to begin:

a. to make a business in games

b. to work for a major company in games

a. Where to begin to make a business in games:

- That depends on how old you are, and what level of education you've gone through so far.

- And this question should be posted in our Business/Law forum (not the Game Design forum).

- Start by reading this:

b. Where to begin to get a career working in games

- That depends on how old you are, what level of education you've gone through so far, what work experience you have, and where you live in the world (for starters).

- And this question should be posted in our Game Industry Job Advice forum (not the Game Design forum).

- When you get to the Job Advice forum, you should read the FAQs there.

- Start by reading this one: so you can narrow the question down.

-- Tom Sloper --


And since this topic isn't actually about game design, I'm moving the topic elsewhere.

-- Tom Sloper --

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