I think that would go over better than say working from the ground up just to create a game with a ufo shooting some asteroids in cheesy 2d.If you'd be so kind as to stop calling 2D graphics cheesy you'd probably come off as less insulting. Not all of us programmers are artists too so we do what we can to get on with our work. You should know by now that the graphics you import into Game Maker (or whatever software) are either going to be what you provide or what your students do on their own. And if the students have been learning from you that means you'll be the one responsible for the way things look either way.
You say that GM:S does that. How exactly does it work/how much do students have to learn to do that?We are all pretty much experts here at working with software, it wouldn't take us long. If you tried it out yourself you'd get a better idea of how long it'll take a student with little experience.
When someone has a question here, it's not unusual for someone to reply with, "What have you tried?" I think you have to start trying out the tools. Don't be afraid to download something and experiment with it, especially if it's free. It doesn't mean that you have to commit yourself to the software if you think it's not going to work out. And you'll get the best answers to your current questions with some hands on experience. With respect, if you don't have the time to test out a few different tools to see what's going to work then you don't have the time to put together the curriculum for this year.
On a separate note to try to sound less confrontational...
I remember my high school electronics class. No theory to it what so ever, which was disappointing to me but we were guided through enough that we could follow a simple schematic, design and etch a printed circuit board on our own, solder the components on, and prey we did it all correctly so that the project did what it was supposed to. And the experience of doing that was great.
In my opinion, the equivalent of this is indeed a Game Maker project (or similar software). Software like this is certainly a common stepping stone for people interested in game development so it certainly seems appropriate to me. I have used such software something like 25 years ago and while it always felt like I should be actually programming, I did get a bit of a sense of how things can be made to fit together to produce something playable. And seeing your own creation come to life is a rewarding experience regardless of your ability to make something pretty.
I think you should cover minimal theory of actual game design other than looking at the various high level components of what you'll be putting together for the main project. A general overview (mostly identifying that these areas exist) of the areas you'll be looking at to create tile maps, define sprites, create events and define any logic. (are we ignoring sound?)
I think you should constrain the type of game the students will be looking at. Something like saying it'll be an arcade platform style game that has one or more levels that occurs on a single screen (not including any menus or settings and assuming that scrolling beyond the screen adds additional complexity. if it doesn't then go for it) where the player has to collect a number of objects and reach a goal while avoiding enemies (colliding with them means the player looses a life). I believe there's still plenty of room for creativity (there are 1000s of games with this basic gameplay), especially if students do their own graphics. By having a common type of game, that you also attempt before the class starts, you'll be able to provide rudimentary support to at least get it working like yours. If I were a student, I think I'd be happy with that (though I did grow up in the 80's).
"Programming" or "scripting" can come in many forms. Usually we think of it as writing code but it can also be done by entering or selecting information in settings windows (dialog boxes). The software I used 25 years ago did it all through dialog boxes so I'm presuming Game Maker can do a lot in a similar manner. You will not be able to avoid this. If that's a problem or too complex (it really shouldn't be) then you should probably put an end to this plan for a class. As I said before, to get a handle on how much time it'll take or how tough it is to learn, you're best at determining that because we all already have a certain level of understanding which you or your students might not actually have yet.
Take seriously the posts that emphasis the complexity involved in creating a game and consider the possibility that your hopes and expectations for what technology can do just might not be a reality yet.
To deal with students clamoring for something in 3D, put them in the position that you're in right now. Tell them, "This is the software that we'll be working with this year that covers the basics and meets our time constraints (and budget). By all means, go try out some other engines yourself. I hear that Unity and Unreal Engine are a good choice."
I genuinely think the course is a good idea but that you should be planning it for 2017.
It's not that the students would be demanding 3d, it's just what I think looks good- and I am from the 80s (as far as video games go) as well. Donkey Kong is still my favorite game. Although Tekken is also amazing!
FYI the reason I haven't downloaded and started working with software is because there is a lot of stuff I have to do in preparing for the course. If I am confident that a certain approach and software will get me what I need, I can move ahead and then start learning the software this summer in preparation for the course in the fall.
Anyway, I made a remark about that issue- that I don't even know how kids today will view the matter (i.e. are they completely wrapped up in 3d expectations or will the ability to create something 2d be fulfilling enough to not be an issue that it's simple in terms of graphics).
It sounds like you are saying its better for them to build something simple than use 3d forms and have less control/authorship. Or are you? I don't think you directly addressed the question: Is it better to have them do more building and make something simple in 2d or do more collaging and make something that looks fancier-in 3d?