
School project survey

Started by March 25, 2016 06:05 PM
7 comments, last by Mumsfilibaba 8 years, 10 months ago

Hello, as a final project in school, me and a couple of firends are developing a 2D game. Along with this we are going to write an essay. We need something to base this essay on. So we decided to make a survey with a couple of questions. It's mainly about mixing genres in games. I would appreciate if you could answer our survey.



I've answered your survey :)

I think you need more choice on some questions though. For example the question asking for my opinion on the concept art, I didn't love it or hate it and I felt I was railroaded into giving opinion one way or the other, black and white.
Similarly when you asked how many hours a week I play video games, I don't fall into the categories at all as I play maybe a couple of hours a month (not including testing my own) and the lowest were 1 to 3 hours a week and not at all.

Good luck in your project though :)

As braindigitalis said, your survey is written in a way that pre-conforms the answers to your own view of the world. i.e. Do we agree with what you think, or disagree with what you think... but what if we have views that are entirely perpendicular to your views? ^_^

Practically none of your questions I can answer using the answers you provided, so I'll answer them here instead:

What do you think about mixing game genres?

I think games should be made without pre-forcing them into any genre, and that genres are used to describe what a game is similar to AFTER it's been made, rather than boxing it in during development. One shouldn't say, "I think I'll make an FPS-RPG hybrid", one should make a game, and then say, "This is like an FPS, this is like an RPG, this is like a RTS.".

If you start off saying, "I'm going to clone other people's work", you'll find that you aren't breaking new ground.
That said, the goal of game design isn't to be new merely for the sake of being new either. The goal is usually to create great gameplay, or an inspiring story, or [insert your goal here]. But I think deciding to make a game of a specific genre is starting off strait out of the door of being a follower of what people already did 15 years ago, instead of forging your own path.
*Afterward* you can let the players and journalists have fun trying to classify your work. :wink:
(to be clear, I think game designers should be aware of genres, and take them into account, especially in relation to language-of-games issues, but I think many designers bury themselves too often in genre-shaped coffins)
What game genres do you prefer?
I play a wide variety of game genres. The 11 the survey mentions, doesn't cover even one-third of the genres I've played. :o
My favorite genre is third-person or first-person action RPGs that focus on immersive exploration of atmospheric worlds.
IMO genres are good for describing what a game is like, not good for describing what a person enjoys, and not good for designing a game.
For example, if someone's favorite game is Sonic the Hedgehog, does he answer "Platformer", and then you think his preference is Mario-like games? Sonic and Mario are only superficially the same - maybe he hates Mario-style games. How similar is Castlevania: Symphony of the Night vs Megaman? Or if someone is a Elder Scrolls fan, does "RPG" even begin to begin to begin to describe Elder Scrolls? By limiting it to an "RPG" label, you may think they mean Final Fantasy, which is entirely different. :P
Should there be an effort to try and balance combined genres or can one remain dominant?
If we treat genres like lego blocks to be hooked together, I think it limits our creativity and originality, and creates less cohesive game designs.
Do you like the idea of combining Action, Stealth and Platformer genres?
I like games I enjoy for the various reasons I enjoy them (atmosphere/ambiance, immersion, story, gameplay, etc...)
If done well, and if it happened to meet my tastes, I'd like an Action/Stealth/Platformer game (of which several already exist).
I don't like the design philosophy of saying, "I like pie", "I like fish", "I like hamburgers" -> "I'll make a fish-hamburger pie!"
Looking at the concept art from our game, what are your thoughts regarding it?
You ask for my thoughts, and then give me two options, without providing any room for my actual thoughts! :o
The two options you give are:
  • Looks interesting
  • Doesn't look interesting at all
What's even odder, is you added "at all" to the second one. It's like making the choices "It's okay I guess" vs "I absolutely hate it!". Why is one wording is more extreme than the other? :huh:
This question gives no room for me to state what I liked or disliked, so actually provides you with no real usable information. :(
All it can give you is, "Good job! Pat yourself on the back! It's perfect as is!" verses "Scrap the entire thing and start over!", instead of providing enough nuanced feedback to know how to take something from bad to good, or from good to great.
How often do you play videogames per week?
I don't play videogames every week. I sometimes go many weeks without playing games, then then I suddenly play six or more hours a day, for multiple days in a row.
If I averaged out the amount of time I played videogames, it'd probably be about 2-3 hours a week. The reason why I don't like to average it out, is because averaging it removes all the important information that's actually useful, and only leaves the information that doesn't benefit anyone but that that they might accidentally make false assumptions from.
What do you work as?
What if someone is a student and employed? I also notice you left self-employment off the list.
You could artificially fix these problems by cramming the survey full of "other" options, but that'd miss the point. My point is, figure out what information you want to know, and question people about that, instead of creating a dozen questions about information that serves no purpose, and trying to figure out how to use the information after the fact.
Suppose every person in the United States answered your survey. You'd then have a huge pool of information. But none of it would be helpful to you, because all you'd know is that 50 million of them like RPGs, but you'd have no idea which of the huge variety of RPGs they like and which RPGs they hate. Or suppose you now have 300 million different ages... now what do you do with any of that? :mellow:
What, you expect my age to fit into a number? :lol:
The one question where there actually is a reasonably finite number of answers, you added an "other" option to be politically correct. *facepalm*
Further, if there are really so many gender identities that you want to be 'inclusive' of, why do you then group them into one category and not allow room for them to specify what that "other" is? Even if you are generally trying to tie gender identities to, for example, game genre preference, there's a very finite list of possible options (much fewer than the number of game genres!), unless you include Tumblr in your survey (in which case, possible gender identities bloom from about a dozen to over three hundred :rolleyes:).
Hopefully that gives you some food for thought on game design and/or surveys, and good luck on your project!

While I understand braindigitalis and Servant's queries with such survey format, I can also understand why the OP would want the answers in the way presented in the survey. Most times analysts want to be able to reduce the survey responses to numbers and hence draw a graph (or graphs) which would give a proper overview that can aid in decision making (apart from the missing self employed option and also that more options need to be available in the questions)

This is even more practical when one is dealing with large data responses. If data response runs into thousands then details as provided by Servant wouldn't be so useful (or would be too much work to analyse)

But if OP is only after very few responses then Servant format of response is best.

Since this is a school work (and not real business survey) then i'm most likely wrong

can't help being grumpy...

Just need to let some steam out, so my head doesn't explode...

Couldn’t finish the survey because “Looking at the concept art from our game, what are your thoughts regarding it?” only has 2 extreme options.

Add more reasonable options.

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

Also started to take it, felt I couldn't, came back to reply, and noticed the replies saying the same thing.

Making good surveys is hard work. Try again.


I took the survey, in general I agree with what most people have said here. Hopefully you chose these questions based on things you wanted to know but the problem with that you then see what you want to see though sometimes you might find the replies contradict what you initially expected.

I'm not a big fan of putting my age on things, I would prefer for example brackets <20, 20-30, 31-40 etc. I picked almost all the choices for the genre one because I tend to enjoy variety, perhaps a better method would be asking people to rank them instead or pick their top 3 etc.

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you need to add more concepts. When I give my HCI (easy uni creadits lol) project exam (which was actually an tactile/interactive videogame) we added tons of concepts.

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Thank you everyone for your feedback and a special thank you to all of you who answered. Since the question regarding the concept art of our game was the most criticized, we have remade that question so that you now kan write what you think, not only specific answeres. So if anyone feels that they couldn't finish the survey before, maybe can have another look at it.

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