But it is sex that I'd like to talk about most. It is such a fundamental instinct that we desire, yet is actively repressed by hundreds of millions of people. And I'm not even talking about just premarital sex. The attitude towards sex is so bad, it's frightening (Tune in to any Muslim marriage counseling show on TV, and prepare to be horrified). I remember seeing protest signs in Egypt during the Mubarak ousting, saying "I want to get married". You see the economy in Egypt was so bad that young people were struggling to pay for weddings, furnished apartments which are a must if you want to get married, and Mahr (shudder).
So here you have an exploding population of young men desperate for sex, approval and self esteem. They end up marrying any woman they meet that their parents approve of, they end up with disappointing sex, a wife that lets herself go because she's miserable (I'm sure you've noticed how older Arab women look), no emotional support because of the loveless marriage, kids that they had too young (Arabs usually start trying to have kids immediately after the wedding), no time or money to do anything they really want, and the so many rules they have to follow to go to heaven.
That's an interesting perspective. If what I read on the Internet and news is true, ISIS treasures any Western women joining their camp. We seen these in the news once in a while, some girl teenagers went their way to Syria and join as ISIS wives. It's like a huge deal for them.
And then who do they see? The west. The big bad west. With their sex, and openness, and women that treat their husbands with love and not just obedience, with young people doing what they want in life, not just get married young, raise kids and die. And so they call you immoral. And they try to shield their religion from your loose way of life as they interpret it as an attack on theirs. Why? Because if Islam wasn't there, if it wasn't the true religion, if it wasn't the answer, then they just wasted their entire life and spent it in misery, all for nothing.
Not sure where you live or what you have seen, but obedience is certainly not what western women have. lol. Obedience/married young/raise kids is also a disappearing trend that we are seeing here in the US. It's not because of oppressive government or religion, it's more the nature of what happens when you have this 'openness'. Women can do what they want. Sexual equality they call it. So, women being obedient to men is thrown out the window. So that means, women have less social pressure to get married and have kids.
Sex here is not oppressed, but it doesn't mean it ends up in love and marriage. It's just young people doing whatever they want, and usually it's not marriage. Oh, a house or a place to live is also getting more and more unaffordable to younger generations thanks to the gaping income disparity.
Although, that deserves its own thread and discussions.