
Losing Motivation

Started by March 17, 2016 08:38 AM
9 comments, last by Brain 8 years, 6 months ago
I don't really want to make games unless they look, play, and sound like an AAA game. Problem is I don't think I have the skills to do anything that's AAA in any of these categories. I've never finished a game and looks like I never will. I always lose motivation when I make a model or something because they don't look anything near AAA. Maybe I should look into mobile development?

Or you could just, you know, lower your expectation.

If nothing below AAA quality does it for you, fine... why not just concentrate on character concepts or modelling for now? You could model a nice character, and create some cool looking animation sequences with it.

You could concentrate on creating an awesome level and cool camera flythroughts that you are proud of...

You could concentrate on the "play" aspect and create an AAA gameplay, write complex systems, and use simple proxy models for now. You could always swap out the art assets later.

Just because you, alone, will never be able to produce an AAA quality game in a sensibel amount of time (below decades of time used) doesn't mean you cannot have fun producing parts of an AAA expirience... let me tell you, NO ONE, not the best game dev in the world, can create an AAA game alone. If you want to even get close to AAA, you need a team of people.

Your chance of ever finding or assembling such a team, and actually have a shot at it are way way better if you keep practicing and get good at at least one of the professions needed to produce a quality game.

So find your passion (character modelling? Level design? Gameplay, AI, Graphics programming?), practice it, produce awesome prototypes, vertical slices, proof of concepts or whatever you want to call it, have fun and get good at it.

One day, others might admire your work, and would love to have you in their team... maybe you even get good enough that you have a shot at working at a studio that DOES create AAA games?

If that does not motivate you, then game development might not be for you though. Game development is hard and takes A LOT of time... and beyond the smallest of games, game development is a team sport.

So unless you don't want to produce small mobile games, you should take that into account.

Maybe you just need to set your sights lower.

Minecraft made more than a lot of AAA games and it's not got AAA graphics and sound.

In the end graphics don't make a game.

If you move to mobile development you have to compete in app stores flooded with junk and monopolised by companies like king and rovio and similar. You'll be forced to put your own game into the same cheap or freemium price bracket to compete.

You also have to deal with the craziness and compatibility issues of Android and it's devices ranging from the good to the absolutely dire.

I don't recommend it.

Good luck whatever you choose!

You don't need to be discouraged that you can't match large teams of experienced professionals. To add to it, every single one of those professionals have spent years mastering their trade. Either pick some aspect of game development and focus on that and try to get on a AAA team, or lower your expectations and be happy making simple games.

My current game project Platform RPG

Sounds like you need to take a break from it all.

I take breaks for several months from game development at a time. It just... becomes too much.... sometimes. No offense to anyone.

Sounds like you need to take a break from it all.

I take breaks for several months from game development at a time. It just... becomes too much.... sometimes. No offense to anyone.

I think everyone is feeling tired of doing something for a long time... that is why professional devs get breaks often after finishing work on a project (to recover from crunch)....

I feel sometimes it is even worse if you are doing development in your freetime, because "recovery time" is now competing with "development time"... you sometimes just need to stop yourself from digging a deeper and deeper hole with your wheels spinning when you burn out moonshining.


"Losing motivation" or "gaining perspective"?

Start with ZZZ titles, then work your way down the alphabet.

I always lose motivation when I make a model or something because they don't look anything near AAA.

I know exactly why you feel this way, because I feel it too sometimes.
It comes from expecting results without having taken the training necessary for it. It's from being naive like that, unrealistic expectations.

The artists that make the models that you think are great have trained for a very long time, and they too have produced shit during their training. We don't usually witness that, so our insecurity strikes in and we get a feeling that "if you can't do it like them in your first tries, there's something wrong with you", which isn't true at all.

Very excited to play this game,
I am still un sure who Iam. I know it might be common sense
and already posted somewhere but I hope you guys
have a solid ranking system in mind is all I can say.
I want to be the top! Good luck to the developers
and good luck to anyone I meet on the battlefield.

Really i have no word exactly to express my feeling.
Great Gamecool.pngredface.png

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