
Looking for Feedback for Sound Design & Music for Fallout 4 Game play

Started by March 04, 2016 08:28 AM
1 comment, last by AudioChemist 8 years, 10 months ago

Hi Everyone,

My name is ranGa and I am new to the forum. And its great to be here.

Please allow me to post my demo work to get valuable feedback from you. The sounds are for a roughly 3 mins game play video of Fallout 4.
Source material are from field, studio recordings and from libraries. Music I composed for different places as I felt fit.

I have included a link to the video in the dropbox as well.


This is my second attempt in sound designing for videos,Your feed back is highly appreciated.

Thanks in Advance.



The sound design that's there is good, you've hit on all the big events on the screen. But if you want to make it really impressive I would add in all the little sounds, the things people won't notice directly but add up to a great sounding scene. Put in the ambience, the creaking houses, when Cogsworth bumps into those tires, grass moving, cloth sounds, the little water drops in the vault, etc. Go over it frame by frame, put in everything, mix it up, and it'll sound a lot better. It's especially important in the scenes without music, like the combat sequence right at the end which feels very empty at the moment.


Thanks a lot for the feedback. Made improvements and added details as much as possible.

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