
Chat application for a website and SEO?

Started by February 24, 2016 05:26 PM
1 comment, last by Gustavo Woltmann 8 years, 6 months ago

Hi. This is maybe a bit off topic but since I am registered here I am sure there could be some people here who experienced this already.

I would like to add chat application to my website. Would like to use it on my page, blog and facebook page at the same time for the community to talk there. I also heard that some application have the ability to export the chat logs to increase the SEO with. I found Rumbletalk which seems decent and I would like to know if anyone is using it or if you would suggest me something else? My budget is about $50 a month as I know the free ones are not worth it.


Depends entirely on your needs.

There are systems for open chat, systems for sales-related chat, systems for customer support chat, etc.

There are many free web-based IRC clients that work as chat on a site.

There are custom-built private chat solutions, such as the one currently in use here on the site. (We used to use an IRC-based chat and the site had a web-based irc client, up until 2010.)

There are also collaboration tools that allow anyone to add messages, those might fit your needs.

Thanks Frob! I know it is like this with everything in life but I wanted to see if someone experienced something nice in the past and would be able to recommend me.
As there was no answers for me on this site I started researching on my own(as I did before I asked here). I tried and tested about 10 applications. 5 free ones 5 paid ones. Chatnox and Rumbletalk were the best ones and I finally decided to go with Rumbletalk. Why?
1. I am able to post youtube videos, charts, pictures and it all looks nice
2. I am able to manage my own design just as much as I would like
3. I have the ability to export the chat logs(increase SEO with this)
4. I can use it on my blog, webpage and facebook page at the same time and it is synchronizing really well
5. Works really well on phones
6. It is html5 based and it is not a resourse hog
7. Nice support(got help when I needed it)
Check all of the features or try the demo chat on their page.
Let me know what you think!

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