I'm not generally one to start debates about political/news issues, but this one is rather disturbing. A recent privacy legal battle is starting again (or continuing). The US government is attempting to force Apple to write a program that will allow them access to Apple devices. If you've heard the over-simplified blurbs in the news, it probably reads something like "Apple refuses to unlock San Bernadino Shooter's Phone". The administration is really taking the low road on this one and picking a case that will make Apple sound like co-conspirators in domestic terrorism.
In reality though, it's not just that they won't 'unlock' their phone or release code or documentation on how to do it, but their attempting to compell them to write a program that will allow them to open any Apple device. Apple's argument is that this is tantamount to compelled speech and is fighting it.
I'm rather confused as to why they have to resort to the 'compelled speach' defense. How can the government force anyone to work for them? Can they just force a construction company to build a building for them?
I'm kind of surprised the topic isn't already up here since it's computer/tech related, but maybe the purposeful linking of the case to San-Bernidino is having it's indended effect of silencing objection.
(Full disclosure: I'm left-leaning politically and socially, but against government backdoors/tech-spying. Creates huge security holes and they've shown they can't keep their own data safe.)