
Vulkan Resources

Started by February 18, 2016 12:19 AM
30 comments, last by Steve_Segreto 5 years, 4 months ago
Just as a heads up; Khronos have a couple of low-resolution versions of the GDC presentations up on youtube, while the slides are readable it is currently suffering from some horrible audio drop out (around the 1 hour mark you basically can't hear anything), which is not overly helpful when it comes to trying to hear about memory allocation.

I'm hoping it'll be fixed in the high resolution version, but I'm not holding out any hopes... (see comment in other thread about half-arsing things).

Does Android emulator support Vulkan on Windows ? Or do I need a Vulkan ready Android device to develop ?


Is there a sampled showing input_attachment usage ? I'm trying to use them but so far it doesn't work (subpassLoad() always returns 0 and there is no debug layer message related to the issue) so I'd like to see a working example.

I forgot to fill more than one attachment in vkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo ; fixing this makes subpassLoad() work. However this seems unreliable : I have an extra sampler in the pipeline_layout that I used to sample render target before having subpassLoad working but now if I remove it my device is "lost". It might be a geforce driver bug though.

I found these tutorials, they are nice to start with Vulkan. There is a pdf version with detailed explanations and sample code.

We think in generalities, but we live in details.
- Alfred North Whitehead

AMD has a nice memory allocator built for Vulkan. You can get a lot of insights about memory management in these new low-level APIs by looking at this code base. I used a similar approach for my memory allocator for DX12 too.

They also use this in their "Vulkan Mini-Engine"


I think it is very relevant to index the article from Matthew Wellings about "The new Vulkan Coordinate System":

Another list of resources:

I seem unable to modify the first post, so I can’t put it there.

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

regarding Intel Drivers - should also say "Note that Vulkan support is now part of INTEL's official drivers, so simply getting the latest drivers should give you Vulkan support". Has been like that for a while.

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