Vulkan Resources
I'm hoping it'll be fixed in the high resolution version, but I'm not holding out any hopes... (see comment in other thread about half-arsing things).
Does Android emulator support Vulkan on Windows ? Or do I need a Vulkan ready Android device to develop ?
Is there a sampled showing input_attachment usage ? I'm trying to use them but so far it doesn't work (subpassLoad() always returns 0 and there is no debug layer message related to the issue) so I'd like to see a working example.
I forgot to fill more than one attachment in vkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo ; fixing this makes subpassLoad() work. However this seems unreliable : I have an extra sampler in the pipeline_layout that I used to sample render target before having subpassLoad working but now if I remove it my device is "lost". It might be a geforce driver bug though.
I found these tutorials, they are nice to start with Vulkan. There is a pdf version with detailed explanations and sample code.
- Alfred North Whitehead
AMD has a nice memory allocator built for Vulkan. You can get a lot of insights about memory management in these new low-level APIs by looking at this code base. I used a similar approach for my memory allocator for DX12 too.
They also use this in their "Vulkan Mini-Engine"
I think it is very relevant to index the article from Matthew Wellings about "The new Vulkan Coordinate System":
I seem unable to modify the first post, so I can’t put it there.
L. Spiro
I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!
regarding Intel Drivers - should also say "Note that Vulkan support is now part of INTEL's official drivers, so simply getting the latest drivers should give you Vulkan support". Has been like that for a while.