
Tetris Copyright

Started by January 19, 2000 02:06 PM
5 comments, last by beeduul 25 years ago
I''m looking for info on Tetris-clone copyrights. Any thoughts on where to look?
Not sure where to look, but a simple web search would probably net you a lot of information.

I *do* this, though: You can make a "clone" of Tetris, but you can *not* call it anything that starts with "tet" or includes "tris" in the name (especially at the end). The lawyers with cease-and-desist orders *will* find you.

Samu Games
ah, i tracked this down using

someone''s already been doing their homework.
Well, according to that page, I just may be "infringing" on Tetris by releasing the notTETRIS source code... Oh well, it clearly says it''s NOT Tetris, right I can''t wait to get my threating letter...

If you parody it, then they have no case. You may be able to claim that notTETRIS is a parody, but you are definitely using their trademark. However, its obvious that it is "not tetris" which is the whole point of the trademark, to make sure people dont confuse products and someone cant use your property to sell their own.

Tetris Company even went as far as the threaten people for "look and feel" copyright of falling blocks, which is totally BS. Just stay away from the name and ''tris''.



Tetris is TM and Copyright 1987 Elorg. Original concept, design and program by Alexey Pazhitnov.

(this is from the copyright screen on the original Gameboy Tetris game, copyright is probably way outdated by this time, but an interesting fact nonetheless)

Edited by - foofightr on 2/7/00 5:59:19 AM
I''d be real careful about touching Tetris right
now. Hasbro looks look like they are in a mood
to sue. See:


So you want to be a Computer Game Developer?

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