
What is z-plane?

Started by January 13, 2016 01:53 PM
8 comments, last by SouthSide Gaming 8 years, 11 months ago

Learning basics of geometry shader. I came across the word z-plane. Looking on Wikipedia it said

It can be thought of as a modified Cartesian plane, with the real part of a complex number represented by a displacement along the x-axis, and the imaginary part by a displacement along the y-axis

Is it safe to visualize it as the normal Cartesian plane? I am not a math savvy person and so it is kinda hard for me to understand that quote. Looking at the google images it is not really the same. Can someone help me understand what is z-plane? Is it like Cartesian plane with z axis?


Uhm yeah still hard to visualize it even if I draw. Cause x-plane will take over the place of z-axis if you draw a plane from x-axis.



It is safe to imagine the Complex plane as a Cartesian one, yes. The quote you referenced is explaining how you can extract the x and y components of a Cartesian plane from an equation with complex numbers. For example, if you had the equations:

z1 = 1 + 2i

z2 = 3 + 6i

z3 = 7 + 8i

Where i represents imaginary numbers.

You'd be able to extract the points (1, 2), (3, 6) and (7, 8) and plot them on an x-y plane.

Imagine leaping side to side(lateral movement). That is the x-plane/axis. Now jump in place, vertically that is the y-plane/axis. Now walk forward, now backward, that is the z-plane/axis. You have just completed 3d movement.

Math-talk coming. Skip to Summary for explanation.

Keeping this in mind, the Cartesian plane is the coordinate system you learn in school. (x, y), origin, graphing, etc... The Cartesian plane is not a 3d(real life) plane system so you cannot plot 3d points (1, 1, 1)(x, y, z) on it.

The Cartesian Plane cannot hold a z plane so don't worry about it.

Summary: The x-plane is left-right. The y-plane is up-down. The Cartesian plane only holds these two movements.

The z-plane is forward-backward. The Cartesian plane does not hold this movement.

The z-plane has nothing to do with the Cartesian plane.

It is not safe to visualize the z-plane and the Cartesian plane as the same thing.

Learning basics of geometry shader. I came across the word z-plane. Looking on Wikipedia it said

Context? Where you were reading this may have used the word for simply describing movement across the Z axis. Could be something as silly as that.

Without context we cannot help you

z-axis is the coordinated system that help us in 3d space it is an extra axis since i the real world we can move more than just left and right, up and down. We can fly now and we can duck so if unit of movement must be expressed on an axis. If the y-axis represent you moving forward then z-axis can represent the lift movement like jumping or falling. x-axis is the side step movement. If you understand that then you can understand the three axis but none of the axis constrain to a certain movement that is determined during the development. some time the y-axis is for lift and z-axis is for forward movement

Bring more Pain

That is the x-plane/axis.

A plane is a surface, meaning it has 2 dimensions. A single direction cannot be a plane.

Hello to all my stalkers.

yeah but two axis forms a plane. (0,0) ->(inf,inf) is the plane that makes up the first coordinate plane.

Bring more Pain

yeah but two axis forms a plane. (0,0) ->(inf,inf) is the plane that makes up the first coordinate plane.

I'm quoting and responding to SouthSide Gaming, who stated "...side to side(lateral movement). That is the x-plane/axis.".

I'm objecting to equating a plane with an axis; they can't be used interchangeably like this.

Hello to all my stalkers.

yeah but two axis forms a plane. (0,0) ->(inf,inf) is the plane that makes up the first coordinate plane.

I'm quoting and responding to SouthSide Gaming, who stated "...side to side(lateral movement). That is the x-plane/axis.".

I'm objecting to equating a plane with an axis; they can't be used interchangeably like this.

I understand your position. Thanks for pointing it out, I choose to use them interchangeably because the op almost did that as well.

what is z-plane? Is it like Cartesian plane with z axis?

He refers to "z" as a plane itself, which it is not, and then continues to refer to it as an axis, which it is.

He says he's not math savvy so I just choose to make it simple.

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