As I mentioned above, I am not interested in pursuing a job, just to be in the industry. Maybe if I was 18 years old, it would be an option, but being almost 33 years old and having a good career definitely changes things a bit.
So, the only way that would make sense to me would be, signing up for Game Development programs at Columbia College here in Chicago. They have a really nice selection.
Also, I could start learning a programming language.
Bottom line is, I am not willing to drop my current career just to work in a game industry. I can spend the money I make now on learning things which I really need.
I did a little research and it seems that experienced programmers say to learn Python first, since I have no coding experience.
Then, why do they say Python, if nearly no one even uses it for production games? At what point do I stop with Python and switch over to something more complex (C or C++)?
I guess I am looking for the most efficient way of even having a crack at making it happen. Apparently, without knowing how to code, I can forget about the whole deal. Thing is, what if I spend 2-3 years learning how to program and I still won't be able to make a game (which will most likely be the case). All this money and time, absolutely wasted. Sure, hiring a programmer will not give me the exact results, but neither will my weak programming skills even after spending who knows how many years learning.
It is totally fine to not give up your current career... actually, it might be a better idea anyway. Indie Game development is a high risk business, so doing it fulltime is not a good idea unless you have quite the financial backing, either from your savings or some other source.
Look, I am in a similar boat, started game development as a hobby in 2009, went to 80% on my job one year later to have more time for my hobby... I am doing this for more than 6 years now, and I still haven't finished any of my games. I have a pretty advanced prototype, that is put on hold right now because the physics engine in Unity got broken with Unity 5, and many overscoped games I had to shoot down quickly. I am now at a stage where I feel pretty confident about my C# abilities with Unity, and starting to pick up C++ and Blueprint in Unreal Engine 4. I am able to create pretty good looking 3D Assets in Blender and 3D Coat by now, and are quite competent in 2D design.
But, I started at a different point, having a bachelor in CS and having worked as a professional software developer for 5+ years when starting in 2009 certainly helped me on the technical side, and always having drawn stuff as a hobby and taking drawing classes prior to that also made I didn't start at zero when it came to the art stuff.
So with all that, and 6 years, I am still working on getting a game done, what? Yes, because I am an idiot and constantly bite off more than I can chew. I am pretty bad at correct scoping and I know that pretty well.
But you know what? I don't care. What I do care about is my creative vision and creating a game I am proud about, and doing this as a hobby gives me freedom to work on projects that are basically "a bad idea"...
I am not just shooting for the moon though, that is why I have many shelfed projects, and every project I start anew has a slightly smaller scope. I am putting the cart before the horse so to say, instead of scoping up and starting with the smallest possible project I do the opposite. You could say I like the challenge... I certainly miss out on the expierience of actually finishing a game and releasing it, which might not be ideal. But I learn a lot anyway with every project I try to bring to a releasable state.
TL; DR of my slightly offtopic rambling about my own expieriences up there: if you do this as a hobby, and you happen to like working on your own ideas... don't worry too much about the time it takes you to get where you want to go. There are more sensible paths forward, and less sensible ones (like the one I have chosen ).
It doesn't matter, as long as you enjoy it and cosntantly learn something new. At least as long as you enjoy the process of developing and learning.
If you DON'T like to spend your time developing a game and learning something new, you might want to think again if game development is the right thing for you. Even if you hire people to work on your game, you will be involved in it.
If you just don't want to spend so many time on this hobby (I lost count on my hours long ago), maybe listen to general advice and don't follow my example. Start with smaller games. Create your own variation on Tetris. Even with beginners skills, even with not many hours per week put into it, you should be finished in a month or two, and you will be able to show off your very own game.
If you are afraid that you are not able to pick up the skills, don't be. Programming is not Rocket Science, and Art can also be learned, by doing it over and over.
You can always skip something if it really isn't your thing. There are always ways to supplement your skills (stock art or third party code), and you can always pick a game type that is lighter on one or the other (a tetris clone doesn't need incredible art skills on your side to look good, a game with simple mechanics doesn't need you to programm page after page of new innovative code).
If you happen to not enjoy something, you should stop doing it. But maybe you should give it a try first, maybe programming IS your thing once you got the basics.
About the language: yeah, I hear that about python a lot. I on the other hand had to start with C, because we had this in my apprenticeship. Then we moved on to Java, which I didn't got for the full 6 months we had the course... I just couldn't understand the Object Oriented way of thinking. I was forced to learn it in some weeks because I had to write my final practical project for the exam in Java.
Is Java or C the easiest language to pick up for a beginner? No. But actually, the difference in complexity is not as high as people think. There are things that are tough nut to crack in some languages (the OO paradigm, some of the more obscure C++ oddities), but the basics of most modern languages are the same, because most of them are based on C anyway.
This also means if you master Python, you will have an easier time getting into any other modern language. You will still have to learn many new concepts, the basics are very similar.
Be aware that most bigger games today are written in a game engine, and often these are third party engines (like Unity or Unreal Engine)... they will dictate to some degree what languages you can use (C# and UnityScript (Javascript basically) for Unity, C++ and a visual scripting editor for Unreal). Moving from engine to engine, you will have to learn a new language anyway, so getting the hand of multiple languages early on might prepare you well for what you will have to do later on anyway.
Oh, and one last thing... it is good to be worried about efficiency. If you do not work efficiently, you will not get anywhere after all.
Never waste too much thought about "wasting your time" though. Game development is a long journey for most people, and learning to program is also nothing you do overnight. You will waste a lot of time on many things... you will run into dead ends, you will have to shelf and throw away things, and restart again. That is part of every "creative" line of work, software development just as much as game development.
Python is not the most used language in the world, and none of the game engines I have used had python as an option for scripting. That said, there are such engines (Hero Engine comes to mind), as well as other things in the software world (Blender (3D Tool of choice for most freeloaders) Plugins are written in Python for example).
You never know when a language can become useful down the road, and as long as you just see it as a stepping stone for greater things (like to learn programming basics preparing you for a smoother transition to C++), learning python first is not the worst idea.