Hey there,
I am working on a shmup like game and have struggle with the decision, whether to give the player free directional shooting movement (360 degree) or not, and how much this decision will impact game balance. The game is designed to support the xb 360 controller and will likely have some RPG elements, character progression, skills and so on...
I know that alot shumps were designed for only one shooting direction, forward, or maybe 3 if you add the diagonales.
On the one hand I don't want to constrain the player.
On the other I think the player will have to deal with an additional control which he has to take care of which leads to more distraction from the enemies. (trying to K.I.S.S. here)
I am also concerned that if I change the prior decision in late stage of development, I would have reprogram the balance alot. I don't know.
Any opinions?