
viewmatrix and quatenion orientation problem

Started by December 29, 2015 07:13 AM
13 comments, last by giugio 9 years, 1 month ago

Ok, let me give you a question now, what data you wish to construct your normalized quaternion from? There is a simple relation between lookat-eyepos unit vector to provide a quaternion (of constant self-observer angle), but unless you provide your volatile input, data you try to kick up from, not much help can come in.

Ok, let me give you a question now, what data you wish to construct your normalized quaternion from? There is a simple relation between lookat-eyepos unit vector to provide a quaternion (of constant self-observer angle), but unless you provide your volatile input, data you try to kick up from, not much help can come in.

The problem is to control the active camera by using an on-screen arcball simulation. At this point the arcball operation has been converted into a rotation represented as quaternion, that now is wanted to be applied to the camera model in a meaningful manner. But I have no clue what "meaningful" means w.r.t. guidio's wishes.


ab_next *= glm::normalize(glm::angleAxis((50), glm::vec3(1.0,0.0,0.0)));


//this is called before draw the object and i'm set it to the prograsm shader like a matrix
glm::mat3 mat = glm::toMat3(glm::normalize(ab_next));
    glm::vec3 x1 = glm::vec3(mat[0].x,mat[0].y,mat[0].z);
    glm::vec3 y1 = glm::vec3(mat[1].x, mat[1].y, mat[1].z);
    glm::vec3 z1 = glm::vec3(mat[2].x, mat[2].y, mat[2].z);
    float x = glm::dot(x1, eye);
    float y= glm::dot(y1, eye);
    float z = glm::dot(z1, eye);

    glm::mat4x4 mview;
    mview[0].x = mat[0].x;
    mview[0].y = mat[0].y;
    mview[0].z = mat[0].z;
    mview[1].x = mat[1].x;
    mview[1].y = mat[1].y;
    mview[1].z = mat[1].z;
    mview[2].x = mat[2].x;
    mview[2].y = mat[2].y;
    mview[2].z = mat[2].z;
    mview[3].x = x;
    mview[3].y = y;
    mview[3].z = z;
    mview[3].w = 1;
    mVV = mview;
    return getPerspectiveMatrix() * mview;

this is not related to the arcball camera i set the data at hand 50° degree around 1.0,0.0.0, but my problem is that this rotate the object around a sphere from me (eye) to the object and not around object .How i can rotate only the object around a little sphere that is his bounding box?
is possible?

i'm try to convert from this code that is deprecated in my camera sorry if i don't posted it before this camera works

/* Arcball, written by Bradley Smith, March 24, 2006
 * arcball.cpp is free to use and modify for any purpose, with no
 * restrictions of copyright or license.
 * See arcball.h for usage details.

#include "arcball.h"
#include <GL\gl.h>
#include <GL\GLU.h>

GLfloat ab_quat[16] = {1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1};
GLfloat ab_last[16] = {1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1};
GLfloat ab_next[16] = {1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1};

// the distance from the origin to the eye
GLfloat ab_zoom = 1.0;
GLfloat ab_zoom2 = 1.0;
// the radius of the arcball
GLfloat ab_sphere = 1.0;
GLfloat ab_sphere2 = 1.0;
// the distance from the origin of the plane that intersects
// the edge of the visible sphere (tangent to a ray from the eye)
GLfloat ab_edge = 1.0;
// whether we are using a sphere or plane
bool ab_planar = false;
GLfloat ab_planedist = 0.5;

vec ab_start = vec(0,0,1);
vec ab_curr = vec(0,0,1);
vec ab_eye = vec(0,0,1);
vec ab_eyedir = vec(0,0,1);
vec ab_up = vec(0,1,0);
vec ab_out = vec(1,0,0);

GLdouble ab_glp[16] = {1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1};
GLdouble ab_glm[16] = {1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1};
int ab_glv[4] = {0,0,800,600};

void arcball_setzoom(float radius, vec eye, vec up)
  ab_eye = eye; // store eye vector
  ab_zoom2 = ab_eye * ab_eye;
  ab_zoom = sqrt(ab_zoom2); // store eye distance
  ab_sphere = radius; // sphere radius
  ab_sphere2 = ab_sphere * ab_sphere;
  ab_eyedir = ab_eye * (1.0 / ab_zoom); // distance to eye
  ab_edge = ab_sphere2 / ab_zoom; // plane of visible edge
  if(ab_sphere <= 0.0) // trackball mode
    ab_planar = true;
    ab_up = up;
    ab_out = ( ab_eyedir ^ ab_up );
    ab_planedist = (0.0 - ab_sphere) * ab_zoom;
  } else
    ab_planar = false;

// affect the arcball's orientation on openGL
void arcball_rotate() { glMultMatrixf(ab_quat); }

// convert the quaternion into a rotation matrix
static void quaternion(GLfloat* q, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w)
  GLfloat x2 = x*x;
  GLfloat y2 = y*y;
  GLfloat z2 = z*z;
  GLfloat xy = x*y;
  GLfloat xz = x*z;
  GLfloat yz = y*z;
  GLfloat wx = w*x;
  GLfloat wy = w*y;
  GLfloat wz = w*z;

  q[0] = 1 - 2*y2 - 2*z2;
  q[1] = 2*xy + 2*wz;
  q[2] = 2*xz - 2*wy;
  q[4] = 2*xy - 2*wz;
  q[5] = 1 - 2*x2 - 2*z2;
  q[6] = 2*yz + 2*wx;
  q[8] = 2*xz + 2*wy;
  q[9] = 2*yz - 2*wx;
  q[10]= 1 - 2*x2 - 2*y2;

// reset the rotation matrix
static void quatidentity(GLfloat* q)
{ q[0]=1;  q[1]=0;  q[2]=0;  q[3]=0;
  q[4]=0;  q[5]=1;  q[6]=0;  q[7]=0;
  q[8]=0;  q[9]=0;  q[10]=1; q[11]=0;
  q[12]=0; q[13]=0; q[14]=0; q[15]=1; }

// copy a rotation matrix
static void quatcopy(GLfloat* dst, GLfloat* src)
{ dst[0]=src[0]; dst[1]=src[1]; dst[2]=src[2];
  dst[4]=src[4]; dst[5]=src[5]; dst[6]=src[6];
  dst[8]=src[8]; dst[9]=src[9]; dst[10]=src[10]; }

// multiply two rotation matrices
static void quatnext(GLfloat* dest, GLfloat* left, GLfloat* right)
  dest[0] = left[0]*right[0] + left[1]*right[4] + left[2] *right[8];
  dest[1] = left[0]*right[1] + left[1]*right[5] + left[2] *right[9];
  dest[2] = left[0]*right[2] + left[1]*right[6] + left[2] *right[10];
  dest[4] = left[4]*right[0] + left[5]*right[4] + left[6] *right[8];
  dest[5] = left[4]*right[1] + left[5]*right[5] + left[6] *right[9];
  dest[6] = left[4]*right[2] + left[5]*right[6] + left[6] *right[10];
  dest[8] = left[8]*right[0] + left[9]*right[4] + left[10]*right[8];
  dest[9] = left[8]*right[1] + left[9]*right[5] + left[10]*right[9];
  dest[10]= left[8]*right[2] + left[9]*right[6] + left[10]*right[10];

// find the intersection with the plane through the visible edge
static vec edge_coords(vec m)
  // find the intersection of the edge plane and the ray
  float t = (ab_edge - ab_zoom) / (ab_eyedir * m);
  vec a = ab_eye + (m*t);
  // find the direction of the eye-axis from that point
  // along the edge plane
  vec c = (ab_eyedir * ab_edge) - a;

  // find the intersection of the sphere with the ray going from
  // the plane outside the sphere toward the eye-axis.
  float ac = (a*c);
  float c2 = (c*c);
  float q = ( 0.0 - ac - sqrt( ac*ac - c2*((a*a)-ab_sphere2) ) ) / c2;
  return (a+(c*q)).unit();

// find the intersection with the sphere
static vec sphere_coords(GLdouble mx, GLdouble my)
  GLdouble ax,ay,az;

  vec m = vec((float)ax,(float)ay,(float)az) - ab_eye;
  // mouse position represents ray: eye + t*m
  // intersecting with a sphere centered at the origin
  GLfloat a = m*m;
  GLfloat b = (ab_eye*m);
  GLfloat root = (b*b) - a*(ab_zoom2 - ab_sphere2);
  if(root <= 0) return edge_coords(m);
  GLfloat t = (0.0 - b - sqrt(root)) / a;
  return (ab_eye+(m*t)).unit();

// get intersection with plane for "trackball" style rotation
static vec planar_coords(GLdouble mx, GLdouble my)
  GLdouble ax,ay,az;

  vec m = vec((float)ax,(float)ay,(float)az) - ab_eye;
  // intersect the point with the trackball plane
  GLfloat t = (ab_planedist - ab_zoom) / (ab_eyedir * m);
  vec d = ab_eye + m*t;

  return vec(d*ab_up,d*ab_out,0.0);

// reset the arcball
void arcball_reset()

// begin arcball rotation
void arcball_start(int mx, int my)
  // saves a copy of the current rotation for comparison
  if(ab_planar) ab_start = planar_coords((GLdouble)mx,(GLdouble)my);
  else ab_start = sphere_coords((GLdouble)mx,(GLdouble)my);

// update current arcball rotation
void arcball_move(int mx, int my)
    ab_curr = planar_coords((GLdouble)mx,(GLdouble)my);
    if(ab_curr.equals(ab_start)) return;
    // d is motion since the last position
    vec d = ab_curr - ab_start;
    GLfloat angle = d.length() * 0.5;
    GLfloat cosa = cos( angle );
    GLfloat sina = sin( angle );
    // p is perpendicular to d
    vec p = ((ab_out*d.x)-(ab_up*d.y)).unit() * sina;

    // planar style only ever relates to the last point
    ab_start = ab_curr;
  } else {

    ab_curr = sphere_coords((GLdouble)mx,(GLdouble)my);
    { // avoid potential rare divide by tiny

    // use a dot product to get the angle between them
    // use a cross product to get the vector to rotate around
    GLfloat cos2a = ab_start*ab_curr;
    GLfloat sina = sqrt((1.0 - cos2a)*0.5);
    GLfloat cosa = sqrt((1.0 + cos2a)*0.5);
    vec cross = (ab_start^ab_curr).unit() * sina;

    // update the rotation matrix

thanks heagarr

… but my problem is that this rotate the object around a sphere from me (eye) to the object and not around object .How i can rotate only the object around a little sphere that is his bounding box?
is possible?

I don't understand this entirely.

The code you shown us computes the view matrix. This obviously has an effect on the entire scene. If you want an effect on a single object, then modify the object's world transform instead. Moreover, rotation maps some points of the space onto themselves. Those points together give the rotation axis. Due to mathematics, (0,0,0) is ever mapped onto itself when transformed by a rotation. Hence (0,0,0) is ever part of the rotation axis. This leads to the method to wrap the rotation by translations so that a desired point is mapped to (0,0,0).

thanks haegarr i use the word matrix = inverse of rotation an all works fine.

thanks again.

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