ab_next *= glm::normalize(glm::angleAxis((50), glm::vec3(1.0,0.0,0.0)));
//this is called before draw the object and i'm set it to the prograsm shader like a matrix
glm::mat3 mat = glm::toMat3(glm::normalize(ab_next));
glm::vec3 x1 = glm::vec3(mat[0].x,mat[0].y,mat[0].z);
glm::vec3 y1 = glm::vec3(mat[1].x, mat[1].y, mat[1].z);
glm::vec3 z1 = glm::vec3(mat[2].x, mat[2].y, mat[2].z);
float x = glm::dot(x1, eye);
float y= glm::dot(y1, eye);
float z = glm::dot(z1, eye);
glm::mat4x4 mview;
mview[0].x = mat[0].x;
mview[0].y = mat[0].y;
mview[0].z = mat[0].z;
mview[1].x = mat[1].x;
mview[1].y = mat[1].y;
mview[1].z = mat[1].z;
mview[2].x = mat[2].x;
mview[2].y = mat[2].y;
mview[2].z = mat[2].z;
mview[3].x = x;
mview[3].y = y;
mview[3].z = z;
mview[3].w = 1;
mVV = mview;
return getPerspectiveMatrix() * mview;
this is not related to the arcball camera i set the data at hand 50° degree around 1.0,0.0.0, but my problem is that this rotate the object around a sphere from me (eye) to the object and not around object .How i can rotate only the object around a little sphere that is his bounding box?
is possible?
i'm try to convert from this code that is deprecated in my camera sorry if i don't posted it before this camera works
/* Arcball, written by Bradley Smith, March 24, 2006
* arcball.cpp is free to use and modify for any purpose, with no
* restrictions of copyright or license.
* See arcball.h for usage details.
#include "arcball.h"
#include <GL\gl.h>
#include <GL\GLU.h>
GLfloat ab_quat[16] = {1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1};
GLfloat ab_last[16] = {1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1};
GLfloat ab_next[16] = {1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1};
// the distance from the origin to the eye
GLfloat ab_zoom = 1.0;
GLfloat ab_zoom2 = 1.0;
// the radius of the arcball
GLfloat ab_sphere = 1.0;
GLfloat ab_sphere2 = 1.0;
// the distance from the origin of the plane that intersects
// the edge of the visible sphere (tangent to a ray from the eye)
GLfloat ab_edge = 1.0;
// whether we are using a sphere or plane
bool ab_planar = false;
GLfloat ab_planedist = 0.5;
vec ab_start = vec(0,0,1);
vec ab_curr = vec(0,0,1);
vec ab_eye = vec(0,0,1);
vec ab_eyedir = vec(0,0,1);
vec ab_up = vec(0,1,0);
vec ab_out = vec(1,0,0);
GLdouble ab_glp[16] = {1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1};
GLdouble ab_glm[16] = {1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1};
int ab_glv[4] = {0,0,800,600};
void arcball_setzoom(float radius, vec eye, vec up)
ab_eye = eye; // store eye vector
ab_zoom2 = ab_eye * ab_eye;
ab_zoom = sqrt(ab_zoom2); // store eye distance
ab_sphere = radius; // sphere radius
ab_sphere2 = ab_sphere * ab_sphere;
ab_eyedir = ab_eye * (1.0 / ab_zoom); // distance to eye
ab_edge = ab_sphere2 / ab_zoom; // plane of visible edge
if(ab_sphere <= 0.0) // trackball mode
ab_planar = true;
ab_up = up;
ab_out = ( ab_eyedir ^ ab_up );
ab_planedist = (0.0 - ab_sphere) * ab_zoom;
} else
ab_planar = false;
// affect the arcball's orientation on openGL
void arcball_rotate() { glMultMatrixf(ab_quat); }
// convert the quaternion into a rotation matrix
static void quaternion(GLfloat* q, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w)
GLfloat x2 = x*x;
GLfloat y2 = y*y;
GLfloat z2 = z*z;
GLfloat xy = x*y;
GLfloat xz = x*z;
GLfloat yz = y*z;
GLfloat wx = w*x;
GLfloat wy = w*y;
GLfloat wz = w*z;
q[0] = 1 - 2*y2 - 2*z2;
q[1] = 2*xy + 2*wz;
q[2] = 2*xz - 2*wy;
q[4] = 2*xy - 2*wz;
q[5] = 1 - 2*x2 - 2*z2;
q[6] = 2*yz + 2*wx;
q[8] = 2*xz + 2*wy;
q[9] = 2*yz - 2*wx;
q[10]= 1 - 2*x2 - 2*y2;
// reset the rotation matrix
static void quatidentity(GLfloat* q)
{ q[0]=1; q[1]=0; q[2]=0; q[3]=0;
q[4]=0; q[5]=1; q[6]=0; q[7]=0;
q[8]=0; q[9]=0; q[10]=1; q[11]=0;
q[12]=0; q[13]=0; q[14]=0; q[15]=1; }
// copy a rotation matrix
static void quatcopy(GLfloat* dst, GLfloat* src)
{ dst[0]=src[0]; dst[1]=src[1]; dst[2]=src[2];
dst[4]=src[4]; dst[5]=src[5]; dst[6]=src[6];
dst[8]=src[8]; dst[9]=src[9]; dst[10]=src[10]; }
// multiply two rotation matrices
static void quatnext(GLfloat* dest, GLfloat* left, GLfloat* right)
dest[0] = left[0]*right[0] + left[1]*right[4] + left[2] *right[8];
dest[1] = left[0]*right[1] + left[1]*right[5] + left[2] *right[9];
dest[2] = left[0]*right[2] + left[1]*right[6] + left[2] *right[10];
dest[4] = left[4]*right[0] + left[5]*right[4] + left[6] *right[8];
dest[5] = left[4]*right[1] + left[5]*right[5] + left[6] *right[9];
dest[6] = left[4]*right[2] + left[5]*right[6] + left[6] *right[10];
dest[8] = left[8]*right[0] + left[9]*right[4] + left[10]*right[8];
dest[9] = left[8]*right[1] + left[9]*right[5] + left[10]*right[9];
dest[10]= left[8]*right[2] + left[9]*right[6] + left[10]*right[10];
// find the intersection with the plane through the visible edge
static vec edge_coords(vec m)
// find the intersection of the edge plane and the ray
float t = (ab_edge - ab_zoom) / (ab_eyedir * m);
vec a = ab_eye + (m*t);
// find the direction of the eye-axis from that point
// along the edge plane
vec c = (ab_eyedir * ab_edge) - a;
// find the intersection of the sphere with the ray going from
// the plane outside the sphere toward the eye-axis.
float ac = (a*c);
float c2 = (c*c);
float q = ( 0.0 - ac - sqrt( ac*ac - c2*((a*a)-ab_sphere2) ) ) / c2;
return (a+(c*q)).unit();
// find the intersection with the sphere
static vec sphere_coords(GLdouble mx, GLdouble my)
GLdouble ax,ay,az;
vec m = vec((float)ax,(float)ay,(float)az) - ab_eye;
// mouse position represents ray: eye + t*m
// intersecting with a sphere centered at the origin
GLfloat a = m*m;
GLfloat b = (ab_eye*m);
GLfloat root = (b*b) - a*(ab_zoom2 - ab_sphere2);
if(root <= 0) return edge_coords(m);
GLfloat t = (0.0 - b - sqrt(root)) / a;
return (ab_eye+(m*t)).unit();
// get intersection with plane for "trackball" style rotation
static vec planar_coords(GLdouble mx, GLdouble my)
GLdouble ax,ay,az;
vec m = vec((float)ax,(float)ay,(float)az) - ab_eye;
// intersect the point with the trackball plane
GLfloat t = (ab_planedist - ab_zoom) / (ab_eyedir * m);
vec d = ab_eye + m*t;
return vec(d*ab_up,d*ab_out,0.0);
// reset the arcball
void arcball_reset()
// begin arcball rotation
void arcball_start(int mx, int my)
// saves a copy of the current rotation for comparison
if(ab_planar) ab_start = planar_coords((GLdouble)mx,(GLdouble)my);
else ab_start = sphere_coords((GLdouble)mx,(GLdouble)my);
// update current arcball rotation
void arcball_move(int mx, int my)
ab_curr = planar_coords((GLdouble)mx,(GLdouble)my);
if(ab_curr.equals(ab_start)) return;
// d is motion since the last position
vec d = ab_curr - ab_start;
GLfloat angle = d.length() * 0.5;
GLfloat cosa = cos( angle );
GLfloat sina = sin( angle );
// p is perpendicular to d
vec p = ((ab_out*d.x)-(ab_up*d.y)).unit() * sina;
// planar style only ever relates to the last point
ab_start = ab_curr;
} else {
ab_curr = sphere_coords((GLdouble)mx,(GLdouble)my);
{ // avoid potential rare divide by tiny
// use a dot product to get the angle between them
// use a cross product to get the vector to rotate around
GLfloat cos2a = ab_start*ab_curr;
GLfloat sina = sqrt((1.0 - cos2a)*0.5);
GLfloat cosa = sqrt((1.0 + cos2a)*0.5);
vec cross = (ab_start^ab_curr).unit() * sina;
// update the rotation matrix
thanks heagarr