
Someone explain this thing about manual transmissions to me...

Started by December 11, 2015 01:07 AM
59 comments, last by Buster2000 8 years, 8 months ago

My girlfriend loves the fact that I have a spine.

That's a pretty low bar smile.png

I drive an auto, because manuals in NZ are fucking expensive. But I prefer a manual. Why? It's more enjoyable (for me) to drive. In cities, auto rules, but on the open road, a manual is more engaging. That's a completely subjective thing, but so what? It's what I enjoy.

If someone tells you how you should enjoy your life, tell them to get fucked.

If someone tells you how they enjoy their life, listen and maybe you'll find a new experience to enjoy.

If not, no harm, no foul. But it doesn't invalidate what they enjoy.

Both autos and manuals have advantages based on the situation; find what works for you within your budget.

Well said.

But seriously, I don't get it. I couldn't find one bit of evidence supporting this notion that driving a stick makes you more manly.

Top 10: Reasons why real men drive stick

All the evidence you need smile.png

Well....all the evidence you need to establish that there is a culture out there that may not be comprehensible (or even acceptable) to others outside of it. Whilst I have no doubt that the article is written somewhat tongue in cheek, I also have no doubt there are those who regard it as gospel. Who is to say whom is right or wrong when the issue comes down to belief systems (which rarely operate on a logic acceptable by all).

And that's exactly the article I was talking about. I find it to be pathetic and full of shaming tactics.

10. This one actually made a bit of sense. It's probably the only one in this article that I can agree with to a certain extent.

9. Rubbish. The "Fast and Furious" reference alone makes me believe that this was written by some PUA who relies on superficiality to get female attention.

8. So what? That doesn't prove anything logical. The word "manual" is derived from the Latin word "manus" which means "hand". Potentially perverted comparison here: that's like saying "real men masturbate" because it's getting the job done "MANually". See how stupid that sounds? I normally don't stoop to that level, but frankly, askmen's articles can be just as childish as this.

7. That's right sherlock. My dad could talk on a cellular phone, change gears on his truck, and do it with both hands with ease (this was before we had advanced cellular phones with hands free systems and speaker phones). My dad was a real man for so many greater reasons than that. It didn't make him god-like either...

6. Once again, so what? In fact, I know by experience that this isn't true! You CAN drift in an automatic. My cousin used to do it in the winter time in the mall parking lot when it was snowing. Chances are you'll never need to drift anyway.

5. For the third time, so what? I want to get from point A to point B, and find the shortest distance between those two points. I have no interest in doing some fancy tricks with a tool that I only plan to use for transportation.

4. 1-2 mpg, wow. I'm so impressed! Whoop-dee-darn-dooo!

3. No need to go in depth on this one, L. Spiro already shot this one down with a hellfire missle or two.

2. Unless you're a racecar driver, I don't see how this really matters. I generally don't see a need to go faster than 85mph at the most.

1. Now we get to the real reason this BS article was written. I'll let you all fill in the blank here.

I'm sure whoever wrote this got a nice self esteem boost...


Driving stick gives you no positive points nearly as for being more musculine, but being unable to drive manual transmission is a form of a handicap , and it will impact negatively every girl as toward competence of her man, more or less.

Driving stick is realy simple and fluent, I would call it as simple as automatic. You also have less fuel consumption and can accelerate and decide about your car to more extent (how you call it, those engine rotations). But automatic transmission can give you a bit more comfort. I have cars from both types, and I switch between them nearly daily, I have automatic Z3 roadster cabriolet, I gave her name Sick Zoe (it is a mad car with drive at the back and engine in front, plus being a long roadster so it behaves like batmobile)

I'm also looking into buying a Z3 or Z4. I saw some really nice ones. I might end up getting a manual transmission just because I may end up liking it more.



If you take the time to actually learn then a manual transmission can do a whole lot better in heavy snow or mud conditions than a similarly equipped automatic. Computers are getting really good at controlling things, but they're still not really up there with an experienced human driver when it comes to 'controlling the out of control' while slipping around on a hillside.

However, if you're the kind of person who thinks 'I have four wheel drive, and it will always save the day...' then it really doesn't matter a whole lot.

But the biggest factor to learning to drive stick and keeping up on it? Well that means you can drive stick.

It is one of those things in life, along with knowing how to haul and backup with a trailer, which really doesn't matter all that much until life throws it your way.

Need to borrow a friend's car? If you don't know how to drive stick, then you're rather SOL if it is a manual transmission.

Old Username: Talroth
If your signature on a web forum takes up more space than your average post, then you are doing things wrong.

I'm also looking into buying a Z3 or Z4. I saw some really nice ones. I might end up getting a manual transmission

For that type of car- you shouldn't (wait my opinion explained). It is a roadster in which you are sitting in a very special kind of way, making it much difficult to use clutch pedal and stick. If you want to master manual transmision buy some large limo. Z3 Z4 roadsters are rest cars, depends on the way you are built, but a manual transmision in Z3/Z4 can be fisty, but check it out when you are buying it, it may suite you or not. (make a long trip, in a city, as well as on inter roads).

I cannot imagine driving my Zoe with manual :), yet I am a very native manual transmisions user ever since I started to drive :)

But seriously, I don't get it. I couldn't find one bit of evidence supporting this notion that driving a stick makes you more manly.

Top 10: Reasons why real men drive stick

All the evidence you need smile.png

Well....all the evidence you need to establish that there is a culture out there that may not be comprehensible (or even acceptable) to others outside of it. Whilst I have no doubt that the article is written somewhat tongue in cheek, I also have no doubt there are those who regard it as gospel. Who is to say whom is right or wrong when the issue comes down to belief systems (which rarely operate on a logic acceptable by all).

And that's exactly the article I was talking about. I find it to be pathetic and full of shaming tactics.

10. This one actually made a bit of sense. It's probably the only one in this article that I can agree with to a certain extent.

9. Rubbish. The "Fast and Furious" reference alone makes me believe that this was written by some PUA who relies on superficiality to get female attention.

8. So what? That doesn't prove anything logical. The word "manual" is derived from the Latin word "manus" which means "hand". Potentially perverted comparison here: that's like saying "real men masturbate" because it's getting the job done "MANually". See how stupid that sounds? I normally don't stoop to that level, but frankly, askmen's articles can be just as childish as this.

7. That's right sherlock. My dad could talk on a cellular phone, change gears on his truck, and do it with both hands with ease (this was before we had advanced cellular phones with hands free systems and speaker phones). My dad was a real man for so many greater reasons than that. It didn't make him god-like either...

6. Once again, so what? In fact, I know by experience that this isn't true! You CAN drift in an automatic. My cousin used to do it in the winter time in the mall parking lot when it was snowing. Chances are you'll never need to drift anyway.

5. For the third time, so what? I want to get from point A to point B, and find the shortest distance between those two points. I have no interest in doing some fancy tricks with a tool that I only plan to use for transportation.

4. 1-2 mpg, wow. I'm so impressed! Whoop-dee-darn-dooo!

3. No need to go in depth on this one, L. Spiro already shot this one down with a hellfire missle or two.

2. Unless you're a racecar driver, I don't see how this really matters. I generally don't see a need to go faster than 85mph at the most.

1. Now we get to the real reason this BS article was written. I'll let you all fill in the blank here.

I'm sure whoever wrote this got a nice self esteem boost...


Just to elaborate a bit on your criticisms...

6) Stunt and race cars are frequently using sequential gearboxes, which technically have a clutch but only use it to start the car. As long as you have control of the gears (which many auto boxes do), there's nothing in particular stopping you from drifting the car.

5) This is the equivalent of 80s guitar shredding. Guitarists are impressed, nobody else gives a damn.

4) The mileage thing is patently untrue with modern gearboxes.

3) What the fuck?

2) Also untrue, dual clutch boxes like the VW DSG will comfortably outrun a manual.

1) What the fuck?

Frankly this AskMen article lays out the "why men need feminism" case neatly. If your gender identity is wound up in this stuff, you've got severe personal issues.

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From what I know of the US most cars are automatic even the big American Muscle cars are automatic. I wouldn't imagine seeing somebody driving a Mustang or a Dodge Challenger and saying "Hey you aren't a real man because you aren't driving stick".

I'd say American Muscle is close to 50/50 split. Every single one of mine have been manual, but then I also choose to Autocross instead of drag race, so I'm not exactly a typical Muscle Car owner.

As far as women, any woman that in any way rates my masculinity based on my ability to drive stick is a woman I'm not interested in having a relationship with. But then that begs the question, What are valid qualities to base masculinity on? Or is the concept of masculinity antiquated?


Frankly this AskMen article lays out the "why men need feminism" case neatly. If your gender identity is wound up in this stuff, you've got severe personal issues.

I see this kind of nonsense on all the time. It's been many years since I've seen a decent article from them.

As far as women, any woman that in any way rates my masculinity based on my ability to drive stick is a woman I'm not interested in having a relationship with. But then that begs the question, What are valid qualities to base masculinity on? Or is the concept of masculinity antiquated?

Your definition of masculinity should be whatever you believe it should be. I got tired of letting someone else define who I should be based on political correctness, societal ideologies, dogma, etc.


So, what are your thoughts all ye blokes and ladies?

No true Scotsmen pay attention to "No true Scotsmen" assertions.

Pragmatically: If you find yourself needing to learn manual, avoid 90's Nissans. They have REALLY narrow clutches. Find someone with a crappy 80's Jeep Cherokee to learn on.

I loved the clutch on my old 300z (ie. the datsun not the newer version); but ya narrow clutches require practise, though once you have the technique they are so much fun.

With modern tech the only reason to get a manual is because you actually enjoy driving, or are driving large trucks/heavy loads, otherwise just get an automatic, or a Tesla smile.png

#edit: knowing how to drive a manual is akin to knowing how to program in assembly, it mattered far more 30 years ago, but still isn't a bad skill to have

I dont even drive, but I dont see any fun in driving withouth changing gears..its all (or 90%) of what driving is about to me.

I have a feeling that ppl who enjoy driving more will prefer manual. And automatic is for ppl who just need a vehicle.

Its the same feeling I have with under-cooked red meat. Ppl who enjoy red meat more (like favorite food) will prefer it under-cooked. Ive never seem ppl who prefer red meat fully cooked eat a lot of meat or say its the best food in the world.

Well, in a really modern car, you don't even have to touch the gas pedal.

It can adjust speed after the traffic automatically, don't even have to push it to overtake.

And soon, you won't have to steer either.

If you don't care, just go for the automatic :)

(though here in sweden, people of all ages and genders would look at you funny if you say you "can't drive stick", but who cares?)

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