
Someone explain this thing about manual transmissions to me...

Started by December 11, 2015 01:07 AM
59 comments, last by Buster2000 8 years, 8 months ago

As long as I can get 150mph out of the thing, I'm satisfied. Well, I've never needed to go above 90 though...


Driving stick isn't macho. Replacing the air filter element with a stocking, piling spare tires in the boot, then skidding around a wet parking lot... that's macho. ;-)


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So I'm from the UK where nearly all vehicles are manual. The exceptions are usually big luxury cars like Jaguars and BMW 7 series.

From what I know of the US most cars are automatic even the big American Muscle cars are automatic. I wouldn't imagine seeing somebody driving a Mustang or a Dodge Challenger and saying "Hey you aren't a real man because you aren't driving stick".

I think the whole "Only real men drive stick" BS came around because of the import tuner scene and films like The Fast and Furious. The chances are the guys posting on the forums you have been to are teenage ricer boys driving around in battered old Honda Civics with body kits on that in actual fact struggle to top 90mph.

Even the sports cars have flappy paddle boxes nowadays so they aren't even real manuals in the first place.

Even the sports cars have flappy paddle boxes nowadays so they aren't even real manuals in the first place.

Even "real manuals" these days have a clutch pedal that drives a servo, which operates the clutch for you smile.png

My girlfriend loves the fact that I have a spine.

That's a pretty low bar :)

I drive an auto, because manuals in NZ are fucking expensive. But I prefer a manual. Why? It's more enjoyable (for me) to drive. In cities, auto rules, but on the open road, a manual is more engaging. That's a completely subjective thing, but so what? It's what I enjoy.

If someone tells you how you should enjoy your life, tell them to get fucked.

If someone tells you how they enjoy their life, listen and maybe you'll find a new experience to enjoy.

If not, no harm, no foul. But it doesn't invalidate what they enjoy.

Both autos and manuals have advantages based on the situation; find what works for you within your budget.

if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

Even the sports cars have flappy paddle boxes nowadays so they aren't even real manuals in the first place.

Even "real manuals" these days have a clutch pedal that drives a servo, which operates the clutch for you smile.png

I wouldn't call a servo assisted clutch any less of a manual just because the peddle feels a little lighter. The operation of pressing the peddle and then selecting a gear is the same.


But seriously, I don't get it. I couldn't find one bit of evidence supporting this notion that driving a stick makes you more manly.

The thing originates from when servos were hi-tech. There were usually special 'tricks' to put in place to even get the correct gear and even before gearboxes required quite some force to operate (we're talking 1930).

The thing is somewhat compounded by inclines as mentioned; fact was that many people around here traded fuel efficiency for brake wear by using "motor break", you probably do that too.

I have operated some old (albeit not that old) gearboxes and I can testimony those require quite some strength as in practice you are required to force your gear in. I'd say we're talking about a kilogram of force.

It is also a possible relic of having to manually ignite engines. I can attest this is something not all woman can do.

I am honestly surprised this stereotype kept going on for you. For once, I see something moving around here.

Previously "Krohm"

I "drive a stick" (we don't even call it that in the UK, nearly everyone does) and I'm not even remotely manly, so there goes that argument. Next?

But seriously, I don't get it. I couldn't find one bit of evidence supporting this notion that driving a stick makes you more manly.

Top 10: Reasons why real men drive stick

All the evidence you need :)

Well....all the evidence you need to establish that there is a culture out there that may not be comprehensible (or even acceptable) to others outside of it. Whilst I have no doubt that the article is written somewhat tongue in cheek, I also have no doubt there are those who regard it as gospel. Who is to say whom is right or wrong when the issue comes down to belief systems (which rarely operate on a logic acceptable by all).

Driving stick gives you no positive points nearly as for being more musculine, but being unable to drive manual transmission is a form of a handicap , and it will impact negatively every girl as toward competence of her man, more or less.

Driving stick is realy simple and fluent, I would call it as simple as automatic. You also have less fuel consumption and can accelerate and decide about your car to more extent (how you call it, those engine rotations). But automatic transmission can give you a bit more comfort. I have cars from both types, and I switch between them nearly daily, I have automatic Z3 roadster cabriolet, I gave her name Sick Zoe (it is a mad car with drive at the back and engine in front, plus being a long roadster so it behaves like batmobile)

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