what about censorship?
yes i have. games must be real cash economy, the only fair, balanced and appropriate model business for online games of our time.
As a keen player, nothing you expressed sounds like anything but a horribly bad idea which would make me run from the game at top speed. As an interested hobby developer significant legal questions immediately come to mind which you do not even begin to deal with.
bullshit talk, it has been done, it can be done, some people just dont want to abdicate their faulty empire already built in a corrupt and abusive to the gamers foundation.
Okay, back to name-calling like in kindergarten.bullshit talk
Here would be a wonderful place to expand on this, citing examples where 'it has been done' and explaining what exactly was done.it has been done, it can be done
And another wild assertion. And I'm completely puzzled what a 'gamers foundation' is even supposed to be. I'm certainly not part of it. Considering the extremely wild gamut of interests convered by different types and models of games I don't even see how any single organization could claim to speak for all of them.some people just dont want to abdicate their faulty empire already built in a corrupt and abusive to the gamers foundation.
built in a, corrupt and abusive to the gamers, foundation.
best real cash economy example is entropia universe, what they done? a real cash economy game where in-game currency have a real life value where people can deposit or withdraw as they wish.
yes, truth is wild. if you were more interested in gaming as a gamer perspective maybe you werent so confused.
People wont agree with you just because you throw some vague emotional arguments at them (which is so obvious that you either know youre trolling out of boredom, or just vastly underestimate other people who are bored enough to google your username)
I dont think your plan of making passive income while playing (or attempting to cheat in) MMOs with 'muh real money economy' for the rest of your life is going to work out.
The game companies make decisions based on real arguments (especially the ones that are big enough to properly implement a system that deals with real money), which you need to provide if you want to actually make an impact. Except they probably know those arguments already and have considered them, so whats the point.
gaming industry should belong to devs and gamers only, but its not, is owned by vultures and pimps, thats the truth.
Agreed, to some extent...
Some of the big publishers were getting pretty bad lately... AAA Shovelware, yearly release cycles, release day DLC, and whatnot.
I wouldn't go as far as calling them names though... these are companies run by bean counters, bean counters are only interested in numbers. Sadly more often than not customers satisfaction is one of the numbers that gets neglected.
That is why it is quite brilliant that it has never been easier to self publish. As long as you can live with some constraints and don't expect AAA like scope and graphics, there is literally thousands of good games out there from devs that DO care about their customers (putting aside that not ALL AAA publishers and devs have gone bad yet).
yes i have. games must be real cash economy, the only fair, balanced and appropriate model business for online games of our time.
What does that have to do with the other post?
What should a "real cash economy" solve? Inequality (because real cash is distributed equally, right)? Give the power to the people (because you cannot vote with your wallet as is)?
What do you even mean by the term (I know you where here before and it has been discussed, but frankly, I cannot remember it)? F2P? in app purchases? Pay to win?
best real cash economy example is entropia universe, what they done? a real cash economy game where in-game currency have a real life value where people can deposit or withdraw as they wish.
So I take it you want to replicate the Second Life concept where you could earn money inside the game?
What does it matter to you? Earning cash in SL meant doing a normal job (creating furniture, being a hair stylists, or selling houses), just in/for a virtual world. Was it easier or better paid? Hm, sometimes maybe, but inherently tied to the fortune of SL... so only an option for some years.
Or do you hope getting paid to play? I hate to tell you, but apart from a) being a Pro player and competing in E-Sports, or b) being a twitch/youtube star and playing for others entertainment, not gonna happen.
Besides, if there already is a game that does what you would like to see from a game, why ask for other games to follow its lead? Why not just play entropia and make some money doing that?
I don't even have any guess what that sentence is supposed to mean.[background=#f7f7f7] built in a, corrupt and abusive to the gamers, foundation.[/background]
I had a quick read about it over at Wikipedia. Personally I see no real interest in playing it nor spending my spare time in developing something like it.[background=#f7f7f7]best real cash economy example is entropia universe, what they done? a real cash economy game where in-game currency have a real life value where people can deposit or withdraw as they wish.[/background]
This is again an unsubstantiated assertion which is counterproductive to any point you are trying to make.[background=#f7f7f7]yes, truth is wild.[/background]